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How to setup Redux with React (2020)

Vikrant Bhat on June 12, 2020

Redux is probably the most popular global state management library for react by far. It eliminates the problem of prop-drilling and lets us manage ...
calvinbarajas profile image
Calvin Barajas • Edited

App.js Using Redux...

// imports
import React from "react";
import { useSelector, useDispatch } from "react-redux";
import {
} from "./redux/Counter/counter.actions";

// component
function App() {
const count = useSelector((state) => state.counter.count);
const dispatch = useDispatch();

const handleIncrement = () => {

const handleDecrement = () => {

return (

Current Count: {count}



// export
export default App;

andrewjhart profile image
Andrew Hart

This is the better way to go now - the only downside is that I liked being able to abstract the connect function into a containers folder and import my components, then connect them in these separate containers. This allowed the component to simply expect specific props and then if you needed to remove redux, get rid of your containers and ensure your replacement adheres to the requirements laid in each components propTypes. However, I use much less redux than I used to and so I guess it's fair to use the hooks and then if I really want to swap I'll just combine reacts useContext and useReducer with a couple custom hooks. Currently, I still love my redux devTools too much to drop it entirely.

Lastly, redux-devtools-extension is deprecated. Use @redux-devtools/extension

rhinolamersonwar profile image

Yeah this is the best for me

ghostmayor profile image

I think in 2020 need use @refuxjs/toolkit , not use standart redux . What do u think about this ?

bhatvikrant profile image
Vikrant Bhat

I must mention that in 2021 I would definitely use redux-toolkit instead of plain old redux with react. A blog post on redux-toolkit with react is coming soon! stay tuned

bhatvikrant profile image
Vikrant Bhat

Yes, absolutely that is an option too.

calvinbarajas profile image
Calvin Barajas

How useful would vanilla Redux knowledge be when learning Redux Toolkit? Thanks very much, this blog post is amazing.

bhatvikrant profile image
Vikrant Bhat

It is quite vital to have a clear mental model of how Redux works (Reducers, Actions and Types) and how data flows. This knowledge will really help understand redux-toolkit better, which is just another layer of abstraction.

Thankyou for the appreciation! 🤗 and thanks for reading.

calvinbarajas profile image
Calvin Barajas • Edited

Hello Vikrant, I put console.log() in every file and here's the order everything is firing in:

COUNTER-TYPE TRIGGERED... counter.type.js:5
COUNTER-ACTIONS TRIGGERED... counter.actions.js:18
COUNTER-REDUCER TRIGGERED... counter.reducer.js:28
DEFAULT: 0 2 counter.reducer.js:23
ROOT-REDUCER... rootReducer.js:12
DEFAULT: 0 counter.reducer.js:23
STORE TRIGGERED... store.js:10
INDEX TRIGGERED... index.js:20

This is not what I expected to see at all. I was expecting index.js to be the first file triggered (instead it's the last one). This thing is bouncing all over the place. I guess that's normal for React/Redux.

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bhatvikrant profile image
Vikrant Bhat

I don’t get the context of your example fully, but to clear out redux basics, their documentation is the best, hands down.

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andrewjhart profile image
Andrew Hart

@calvinbarajas Not sure either but I would like to note that if you're using console.log then its concurrent so the order of ops may not align with the console output aka the console may not actually be the correct order.

viallymboma profile image

amazing post...i did not event need to clone the repo...i just copied and pasted the codes in this post on my editor and everithing is working with no stress in less than

bhatvikrant profile image
Vikrant Bhat

Hahaha, glad it was helpful :)

viallymboma profile image

definitely :)

alaminsheikh01 profile image
Alamin Sheikh

Thank you for your nice content, but i'm still confused from step 6, maybe we can use useSelector for more clear and more easy,

bhatvikrant profile image
Vikrant Bhat

Yes absolutely! That is the way I would suggest in 2021. Use react-redux hooks as much as possible. The "connect" is a Higher Order Component (HOC) which is still available, but now days hooks and functional components are the way to go.
Thanks for your comment, I will update the blog with the use of hooks. 😁

kobsharon profile image
Shallon Kobusinge

So helpful thank you.

bhatvikrant profile image
Vikrant Bhat

Glad I could help buddy!👐