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Bhargav Sakaria
Bhargav Sakaria

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Install Firefox on Linux

I have faced this issue that no article or no forum shows correct way to install firefox on debian based distros, or maybe I haven't found such article, but anyways I figured out myself.

Step 1
Download your desired firefox browser.

Step 2
Extract firefox tar file and it should give you the internal firefox folder in your downloads folder.

Step 3
Now to move that extracted firefox folder to /opt directory.

sudo mv ~/Downloads/firefox /opt
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Step 4
Now to create firefox's .desktop file in user's applications directory

cd ~/.local/share/applications
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You can name your firefox desktop file anything like I have installed firefox developer addition, so my file name is firefox-dev.desktop. But you can name it anything which is relevant.

touch firefox-dev.desktop
nano firefox-dev.desktop
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Inside this file my configuration is something like this:

[Desktop Entry]
Name=Firefox Developer Edition
Comment=Custom definition for Firefox Developer Edition
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode


  1. You can see that location to execute firefox is in out /opt/firefox pointing to firefox executable file.
  2. Icon for out firefox will be found in given location, you can choose any set of icons, whichever suits your need.

Top comments (3)

naruaika profile image
Naufan Rusyda Faikar

It seems like the OP wanted to install Firefox Developer Edition (FDE) instead of a standard Firefox. And sadly, FDE isn't provided by its official distro repository. Hence, I did it in Fedora as well.

bhargavsakaria profile image
Bhargav Sakaria

Debian comes with Firefox ESR which is too boring and slow. And I always wanted to install firefox by myself successfully but never found legit help online. This is the way i found. I hope you found it helpful.

bhargavsakaria profile image
Bhargav Sakaria

Yeah so firefox is not available from apt package manager. In my previous company we were all using firefox and since then i have habit of using firefox only, but I couldn't learn how to install firefox back then, only knew how to force update an existing one