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Sending Emails with AWS SES: A Comprehensive Guide

AWS Simple Email Service (SES) is a powerful, cost-effective solution that can help you send emails securely, whether it's for transactional messages, marketing campaigns, or automated notifications.

In this blog post, we'll explore how to use AWS SES to send emails, covering various use cases like sending HTML templates, attachments, and even calendar events. We'll walk through practical examples to help you get started quickly.

Table of Contents

  1. What is AWS SES?
  2. Setting Up AWS SES
  3. Sending a Simple Email
  4. Sending HTML Emails
  5. Sending Emails with Attachments
  6. Sending Calendar Invites
  7. Best Practices
  8. Conclusion

What is AWS SES?

AWS Simple Email Service (SES) is a cloud-based email sending service designed to help digital marketers and application developers send marketing, notification, and transactional emails. It is a reliable, scalable, and cost-effective service for businesses of all sizes.

Key Features:

  • Scalability: Handles large volumes of emails effortlessly.
  • Deliverability: High deliverability rates due to AWS's reputation.
  • Cost-Effective: Pay-as-you-go pricing model.
  • Security: Supports authentication mechanisms like DKIM and SPF.

Setting Up AWS SES

Before we dive into sending emails, let's set up AWS SES for your account.

Step 1: Verify Your Email Address or Domain

AWS SES requires you to verify the email addresses or domains you plan to use.

  1. Verify an Email Address:
  • Go to the AWS SES console.
  • Navigate to Email Addresses under Identity Management.
  • Click Verify a New Email Address.
  • Enter your email address and click Verify This Email Address.
  • Check your inbox and click the verification link in the email from AWS.
  1. Verify a Domain:
  • Navigate to Domains under Identity Management.
  • Click Verify a New Domain.
  • Enter your domain name.
  • AWS will provide DNS records. Add these to your domain's DNS settings.

Step 2: Request Production Access

By default, new AWS accounts are in the Sandbox environment, which limits email sending capabilities.

  • Go to the SES Sending Limits page.
  • Click Request a Sending Limit Increase.
  • Fill out the request form to move out of the sandbox.

Step 3: Set Up AWS Credentials

You'll need AWS access keys to interact with SES programmatically.

  • Go to the AWS IAM console.
  • Create a new user with Programmatic access.
  • Attach the AmazonSESFullAccess policy.
  • Save your Access Key ID and Secret Access Key.

Sending a Simple Email

Let's start by sending a simple plain-text email using AWS SDK for Node.js.


  • Node.js installed on your machine.
  • AWS SDK for Node.js (aws-sdk) installed.

Code Example

const AWS = require('aws-sdk');

// Configure AWS SDK
  accessKeyId: 'YOUR_ACCESS_KEY_ID',
  secretAccessKey: 'YOUR_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY',
  region: 'us-east-1', // Replace with your SES region

const ses = new AWS.SES();

const params = {
  Source: '',
  Destination: {
    ToAddresses: [''],
  Message: {
    Subject: {
      Data: 'Test Email from AWS SES',
    Body: {
      Text: {
        Data: 'Hello, this is a test email sent using AWS SES!',

ses.sendEmail(params, (err, data) => {
  if (err) {
    console.error('Error sending email', err);
  } else {
    console.log('Email sent successfully', data);
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  • Source: The verified email address you're sending from.
  • Destination: The recipient's email address.
  • Message: Contains the subject and body of the email.

Sending HTML Emails

Now, let's send an email with HTML content to make it more visually appealing.

Code Example

const params = {
  Source: '',
  Destination: {
    ToAddresses: [''],
  Message: {
    Subject: {
      Data: 'Welcome to Our Service!',
    Body: {
      Html: {
        Data: `
              <p>We're glad to have you on board.</p>

ses.sendEmail(params, (err, data) => {
  if (err) {
    console.error('Error sending HTML email', err);
  } else {
    console.log('HTML email sent successfully', data);
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  • You can include CSS styles inline or use basic styling to ensure compatibility across email clients.
  • Always include a plain-text version as a fallback.

Sending Emails with Attachments

To send emails with attachments, we'll use the sendRawEmail method instead of sendEmail.

Code Example

const fs = require('fs');
const path = require('path');
const AWS = require('aws-sdk');
const ses = new AWS.SES();

// Read the attachment file
const filePath = path.join(__dirname, 'attachment.pdf');
const fileContent = fs.readFileSync(filePath);

// Define the email parameters
const params = {
  RawMessage: {
    Data: createRawEmail(),

function createRawEmail() {
  const boundary = '----=_Part_0_123456789.123456789';

  let rawEmail = [
    `Subject: Email with Attachment`,
    `MIME-Version: 1.0`,
    `Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="${boundary}"`,
    `Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8`,
    `Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit`,
    `Hello, please find the attached document.`,
    `Content-Type: application/pdf; name="attachment.pdf"`,
    `Content-Description: attachment.pdf`,
    `Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="attachment.pdf";`,
    `Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64`,

  return rawEmail;

ses.sendRawEmail(params, (err, data) => {
  if (err) {
    console.error('Error sending email with attachment', err);
  } else {
    console.log('Email with attachment sent successfully', data);
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  • Multipart MIME Message: We construct a raw email with MIME boundaries to include attachments.
  • Base64 Encoding: Attachments must be base64 encoded.
  • Content Headers: Proper headers are necessary for the email client to interpret the attachment correctly.

Sending Calendar Invites

To send a calendar event, we'll include an .ics file as an attachment.

Code Example

function createCalendarEvent() {
  const event = [
    'SUMMARY:Meeting Invitation',
    'DESCRIPTION:Discuss project updates',
    'LOCATION:Conference Room',

  return Buffer.from(event).toString('base64');

function createRawEmail() {
  const boundary = '----=_Part_0_123456789.123456789';

  let rawEmail = [
    `Subject: Meeting Invitation`,
    `MIME-Version: 1.0`,
    `Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="${boundary}"`,
    `Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8`,
    `Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit`,
    `Hello, you're invited to a meeting.`,
    `Content-Type: text/calendar; method=REQUEST; name="invite.ics"`,
    `Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64`,
    `Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="invite.ics"`,

  return rawEmail;

ses.sendRawEmail(params, (err, data) => {
  if (err) {
    console.error('Error sending calendar invite', err);
  } else {
    console.log('Calendar invite sent successfully', data);
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode


  • Calendar Event Format: We create an .ics file content using the iCalendar format.
  • Method=REQUEST: Indicates that this is a meeting invitation.
  • Proper Headers: Ensuring correct Content-Type and Content-Disposition for calendar files.

Best Practices

  • Error Handling: Always include robust error handling in your applications.
  • Email Validation: Ensure that email addresses are valid before sending.
  • Throttling: Be aware of your SES sending limits to avoid throttling.
  • Unsubscribe Links: Include unsubscribe options in marketing emails to comply with regulations.
  • Monitoring: Use AWS CloudWatch to monitor your email sending activities.
  • Security: Protect your AWS credentials and use IAM roles where possible.


AWS SES is a versatile service that can handle a variety of email sending needs. Whether you're sending simple notifications, marketing emails with rich HTML content, or complex messages with attachments and calendar events, AWS SES has you covered.

By following this guide, you should now have a solid understanding of how to:

  • Set up AWS SES for your account.
  • Send plain-text and HTML emails.
  • Include attachments and calendar invites in your emails.

Thank you for reading! If you have any questions or tips to share, feel free to leave a comment below. Happy coding!

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