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difference between c and c++

C and C++ are two programming languages that share many similarities. Both languages have a similar syntax, and their code structure is the same.

The compilation of both languages is also similar, and they share the same basic syntax. Nearly all of C’s operators and keywords are also present in C++ and do the same thing.

C++ has a slightly extended grammar than C, but the basic grammar is the same. Basic memory model of both is very close to the hardware.

Same notions of stack, heap, file-scope and static variables are present in both the languages

Here are some differences between C and C++:

Polymorphism, encapsulation, and inheritance: C does not support polymorphism, encapsulation, and inheritance which means that it does not support object-oriented programming.

On the other hand, C++ supports polymorphism, encapsulation, and inheritance because it is an object-oriented programming language.

Built-in data types: Built-in data types are supported in both languages. However, C++ supports both built-in and user-defined data types.

Standard IO header: In C, the standard IO header is stdio.h, whereas in C++, it is iostream.h .

which language should I learn first c or c++:

Both C and C++ share many similarities. However, C++ is often viewed as a superset of C. C++ is also known as “C with class”.

If you are interested in learning object-oriented programming, then you should start with C++.

If you want to learn the basics of programming first, then you should start with C.

Learning C first will give you a solid foundation in programming concepts such as variables, loops, functions, and arrays. Once you have mastered these concepts, you can move on to learning C++.

The best language to learn first depends on your interests and goals. If you are interested in web development,

then learning HTML/CSS and JavaScript might be more beneficial than learning either C or C++. If you are interested in data science or machine learning, then Python might be a better choice.

how long does it take to learn c or c++:

The time it takes to learn C or C++ depends on your background, motivation, and what you want to do with the language. For absolute beginners, it will take at least 3 months to learn C++.

That’s working at least 2 to 3 hours each day. However, if you’ve programmed before, working at least an hour a day, it’ll take 1 to 3 months to grasp the basics. And if you want to build mastery in C++, it’ll take at least 2 years.

It will take half that time to learn C.

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