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Discussion on: Exploring vertical slices in dotnet core

betoramiz profile image
Beto • Edited

I love this approach but one thing I couldn't realize is how to handle exceptions. I don't like writing try/catch block into handler method. Doing some research about it I found the functional programming and it looks very clean the way it handles exceptions using the Rail pattern.
It is still confuse for me but I'm practicing and learning about functional programming.

jeangatto profile image
Jean Gatto

Fluent Results Pattern ;)

migsalazar_ profile image
Mig Salazar • Edited

Yes! the railway-oriented is interesting; things like F# are very cool.

In those scenarios, IMHO, categorization in error handling is important. For example: 1) non-functional validations and 2) business validations. In the first case, for (1), it can be solved through middlewares and pipelines. And for (2), you can use the notification pattern; libraries like Fluent Validation could help. Anyway, it depends...