So this article is to explain the nitty-gritty of what is required to become a front-end developer as a novice in the web3 space. The web3 space is a level higher than the web2 space because now we are dealing with a decentralized system. What is a decentralized system? It's a system where you own your data and information. In the tech space there is no multinational company keeping your records or information.
To be a front-end developer in the web2 space you need the knowledge of this 3 major topics
Html (Hypertext markup language)
Css (Cascading style sheet)
Js (Javascript)
Html is the basic structure of the content of your web page; it is also referred to as the skeleton. This contains all the words, images, videos etc that will be seen on your web page
Css is the beautification of your webpage. It includes the adding of color, font, animation etc to a web page
Js deals with the interactivity of the web page e.g I fill a form and submit and it replies Thank you for submitting. This is the work of javascript. Web pages that do not make use of javascript are called static sites.
Now to upgrade to the web3 space you will need the additional knowledge of APIs and React js. Let me break it down a little. In web2 you require APIs as this allows you to interact with the backend(database where information is stored) likewise it's the same in web3 the only addition is that it will also interact with the Smart contract for it to be deployable on the blockchain. The Vanilla javascript can interact with smart contracts but it takes more time to manipulate and so React js is used. Which makes it easy for interaction with the backend.
In using the React js we require the installation of the node js as this shows the changes in the javascript folder in the terminal of your coding editor. Before i go in too deep, other terminologies you will come across as a beginner includes coding editor, git & github
Coding editor is like an interface where you write your code. Codes cannot be written in ms-word or excel sheet. Examples of coding editors include Visual studio code(VSCode), Atom, Notepad ++, Bracket etc. All these are downloaded from the internet.
Git is a version control tool that is used to keep track of changes to files like code files. i.e it allows you to store your codes in case of changes and notifies you of a new update.
Github is an online hosting service for your git repositories i.e it plays the same role as the popular google drive but in this case it only stores codes in files known as repositories.
All of these coding tools are accessible for download online. There is also documentation on their sites that walk you through the installation process and how to make use of them. But all in all google is your friend for any information you need, youtube is also there. I personally learn faster with visuals, learn with what best suits you. I hope this introduction has given you a green light on how to start your journey in becoming a front-end developer.
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