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Discussion on: Why I love Ruby: equality

betaziliani profile image
Beta Ziliani

Good points, although I don't think parallelism is relevant here. Of course if you mutate things while inspecting them you get odd results. This is the same for equality or any other operation.

About circular objects, the answer is: structs are passed as values, so they can't be circular by restriction, and a class (reference) would consider the two examples above to be different. If you want something smarter, you have to code it yourself. The motto here could be
``do simply what works most of the time and let the complex be easily incorporated too''

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marcoservetto profile image
Marco Servetto

? are you talking about ruby here? Structs are definitively passed by reference.

Person =,:age,:friends) {
  def inspect() to_s end
  def to_s() "Person[#{name},#{age},#{friends}]" end
def methIn(person)
bob     = Person["Bob",14,[]]
puts bob #prints Person[Bob,50,[]]
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If they were passed by value then methIn would only be altering its local copy.
I do not think that anything at all is passed by value in ruby.

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betaziliani profile image
Beta Ziliani

Sorry! I meant in Crystal.

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marcoservetto profile image
Marco Servetto

ok then... I'm interested in the gritty details of circular equality in ruby.
I also wrote on reddit ( searching for a better answer, and I'm getting some, but I'm still confused.

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asterite profile image
Ary Borenszweig

The way it works is:

  • you keep a global table of pair of objects being checked for equality
  • before you compare two objects, you check if they are in this global table. If they are, then the answer is "true" (you don't recurse)
  • otherwise, you put them in the table, then you do the comparison, and finally you remove them from the table

What happens if these objects are compared in other threads at the same time? Well, the global table keeps these pairs per thread!

At least that's how it will work in Crystal (supporting recursive to_s is done with a similar algorithm.)

If that default equality isn't a good default, you can always override == in Ruby and Crystal.

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asterite profile image
Ary Borenszweig

You can also take a look at the way we are probably going to do it in Crystal (similar to Ruby, but you don't need to understand C):