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Beryl Chebet
Beryl Chebet

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Pandas map()function with example

Map() function allows us to transform data in a DataFrame or series one value at a time.A dataframe is a table with a value corresponding to a row and column entry.An example of creating a dataframe is as shown:

import pandas as pd
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The output should look like this

table DataFrame
In the above example we created a DataFrame table using pd.DataFrame() having the columns age,gender,marks.Entries are assigned to the respective columns as shown in the square brackets.
Now lets jump into using the map()function

Mapping female with 1 and male with 0 then displaying result on a different column.

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table['sex_num'] creates a new column sex_num, specifies the values to map with in the column Gender. Dataframe.loc is used for accessing multiple columns . In this case we want to access the columns 'Gender' and 'sex_num'.

Comparison of Gender and sex num

To find deviation from mean mark

table['Deviation_From_Mean'] p:p-dev_mean)
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table.Marks.mean() tells pandas to calculate the marks mean and assign it to dev_mean. table['Deviation_From_Mean']_creates a new column deviation from mean and maps a lambda function _lambda p:p-dev_mean to each value of the column.A lambda function can take a number of arguments & execute an expression. The lambda function has a keyword, a variable and an expression.The keyword is lambda & must be included whenever you're using lambda function. In lambda p:p-dev_mean p _stands for each of the entries in the marks column. The expression _p-dev_mean subtracts the dev_mean from each of the entries.


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