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Discussion on: A simple way to replace npm scripts in Deno

bentoumitech profile image
Khaled Bentoumi

Thanks for the article, I've been also working on a tool to replace npm scripts in Deno.

It uses YAML and currently supports permissions

09wattry profile image

I really like the work you've done! It needs an ability to put an "on the fly" script like in package.json

vintprox profile image
Rodion Borisov

AFAIK, they are going to make denox run as alias to denox run default, so it's even faster to type than denox start. Clear and concise IMO!

vintprox profile image
Rodion Borisov

denon, velociraptor, and trex seem promising. I think that they have more chances to be widespread.

vonheikemen profile image

Looks really good. I see that it can run a selected file with the permissions, but what about random commands? Is there a plan for that?

09wattry profile image

I was able to use the code from this article and the denox package to create a similar npm feel. If you pass your script in as a string then split the script on the spaces to get your arguments it becomes much more usable.

If Khaled added a logical check on the config file to check if a file or script is being provided I'm sure we could achieve the desired outcome.

async function exec(script: String): Promise<any> {
  const args = script.split(' ');
  const proc = await{ cmd: args }).status();

  if(proc.success == false) {

  return proc;

export default exec;
09wattry profile image
Ryan I took the liberty to add the functionality you're looking for. Denox is a pretty awesome package so hopefully, this gets picked up.

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vonheikemen profile image

That's awesome. But I'm a little bit worried by this right here: const args = script.split(' ');, it doesn't handle quoted arguments. If you give it something like this

some-cli-tool -m "a message" -m "some other message"

You would get.

["some-cli-tool" "-m", "\"a", "message\"", "-m", "\"some", "other", "message\"" ]

Would handle that?

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09wattry profile image

That's a great observation. Do you have any suggestions on how to handle this case?

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vonheikemen profile image

I found this package: exec. It does the same thing as that function with more options. You could use that. It only handles double quotes but it's an improvement.

If anyone is curious how they do it, here it is.

function splitCommand(command) {
  var myRegexp = /[^\s"]+|"([^"]*)"/gi;
  var splits = [];

  do {
    //Each call to exec returns the next regex match as an array
    var match = myRegexp.exec(command);
    if (match != null) {
      //Index 1 in the array is the captured group if it exists
      //Index 0 is the matched text, which we use if no captured group exists
      splits.push(match[1] ? match[1] : match[0]);
  } while (match != null);

  return splits;
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09wattry profile image
Ryan • Edited

What about double quotes enclosed within single quotes, echo 'And he said: "My name is!" ${name}'. It's a contrived example but you get the gist.

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vonheikemen profile image

For that you would get.

[ "echo", "'And", "he", "said:", "My name is!", "aa'" ]

See, the double quotes stayed, but everything else is broken. Having a bulletproof regex is a real pain. If you want to improve it, you have to modify this var myRegexp = /[^\s"]+|"([^"]*)"/gi;.