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Discussion on: What should I be asking for salary?

bensaved profile image
Benjamin Cassell

I would say if you want to try this, practice the pausing in other areas of life first. Train yourself to be more comfortable with long pauses than those around you. Try to listen more than you talk and watch to see when people start to get uncomfortable. Learn the body signals that tell you if they're going to end the conversation or dig deeper.

Make sure you know what the going rate in the area is and what you're worth first. You should always have a target price, but never be the first to name it. But it's better to be the first to name a price than to end an interview on a bad note. If they're more patient than you, it may be that you'll have to do that. Make sure your request is reasonable, and preface it with the reasons you think you're worth it.

The phases of an interview are similar to sales. The first step is qualification, understanding the needs of the customer, the employer. Once you know their needs, you need to make sure that you can meet those needs, then explain to them how you can and have in the past. Don't get too detailed, but don't avoid specifics, as long as they're short and relevant.

If they don't bring up the topic of salary, I don't either. But make sure you do get a way to contact them if you think of any other questions afterward. This also works as a way to negotiate for salary of HR lowballs you. HR will hide behind people with no authority til the cows come home, but if you can go back directly to the hiring manager and tell them you'd really love to work there, and wondered if they might help you work with HR to find a way to make it work, you might find a way to fight past the HR wall. HR will try to act like a formula determined your offer, and that might be true, but the manager can often make an exception or place more value on a good fit.

But again, YMMV.

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dmfay profile image
Dian Fay

& if you aren't especially comfortable staring the hiring manager down in realtime, "I'll have to think about it" is a perfectly legitimate thing to say. Signing on with a new company is a pretty major thing to have happen, so it only makes sense to consider an offer carefully. You can always call or email them back to accept, it doesn't have to happen immediately.

Delaying a response also gives you time to organize your thoughts. Lowballs are a way of gambling on your expectations and your composure, and since the necessity of employment to survival makes the conversation decidedly unequal from the word go, it's important to keep what advantages you can. They don't know the status of your job search unless you tell them (some will ask; only tell them if you stand to gain from it. You can make friends later, but negotiation is an information game), so time you're sitting on an offer is time you might be getting other offers.

In general, keep in mind that the offer stage is the one where the balance of power between you and the company is most in your favor.