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Benjamin Fadina
Benjamin Fadina

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Lesson 2: Identifying Microservices for University Administration Portal

Lesson 2: Identifying Microservices for University Administration Portal

This lesson delves into the microservices necessary for a university administration portal. Unlike monolithic architectures, microservices break applications into smaller, independent services that can be developed, deployed, and scaled independently.

  1. Student Management Microservice
  2. Overview: Central to the portal, managing student information from enrollment to academic records.
  3. Key Features:
    • Student Information Management
    • Enrollment Management
    • Academic Records
    • Notifications
  4. Data Model: Includes entities such as Student, Enrollment, Course, Grade, and Notification.
  5. Integration Points: Interfaces with Course Management, Examination and Grading, and Financial Management Microservices.

  6. Course Management Microservice

  7. Overview: Manages the creation, scheduling, and management of courses.

  8. Key Features:

    • Course Creation and Management
    • Scheduling
    • Enrollment Management
    • Resource Allocation
  9. Data Model: Key entities include Course, Schedule, Instructor, Classroom, and Enrollment.

  10. Integration Points: Works with Student Management, Faculty Management, and Communication Microservices.

  11. Faculty Management Microservice

  12. Overview: Handles information related to faculty members.

  13. Key Features:

    • Faculty Information Management
    • Assignment Management
    • Schedule Management
    • Performance Tracking
  14. Data Model: Entities include Faculty, Course Assignment, Schedule, and Evaluation.

  15. Integration Points: Connects with Course Management, Examination and Grading, and Communication Microservices.

  16. Examination and Grading Microservice

  17. Overview: Manages examination schedules, grade recording, and transcript generation.

  18. Key Features:

    • Exam Scheduling
    • Grade Management
    • Transcript Generation
    • Notifications
  19. Data Model: Entities include Exam, Grade, Transcript, and Notification.

  20. Integration Points: Integrates with Student Management, Faculty Management, and Communication Microservices.

  21. Financial Management Microservice

  22. Overview: Manages financial transactions, including tuition payments and scholarships.

  23. Key Features:

    • Payment Processing
    • Scholarship Management
    • Financial Records
    • Billing and Invoicing
  24. Data Model: Entities include Payment, Scholarship, Financial Record, and Invoice.

  25. Integration Points: Links with Student Management and Communication Microservices.

  26. Communication Microservice

  27. Overview: Manages announcements and messaging within the university.

  28. Key Features:

    • Announcements
    • Messaging
    • Notifications
    • Feedback and Surveys
  29. Data Model: Entities include Announcement, Message, Notification, and Survey.

  30. Integration Points: Integrates with all other microservices.

  31. Authentication and Authorization Microservice

  32. Overview: Manages user authentication and role-based access control.

  33. Key Features:

    • User Authentication
    • Role Management
    • Access Control
    • Audit Logs
  34. Data Model: Entities include User, Role, Permission, and Audit Log.

  35. Integration Points: Interfaces with all other microservices for secure access control.

The lesson outlines essential microservices for a university administration portal, each designed for specific functions to ensure efficient management. Adopting a microservices architecture enhances scalability, flexibility, and maintainability in university operations.

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