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Ben James

Maker, Hacker, Writer, Musician.

Location UK Joined Joined on  Personal website github website
Seven Year Club
Writing Debut
Six Year Club
Five Year Club
Four Year Club
Three Year Club
Two Year Club
One Year Club
What I learned from the co-founder of StackOverflow and founder of Discourse, Jeff Atwood

What I learned from the co-founder of StackOverflow and founder of Discourse, Jeff Atwood

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2 min read

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What I learned from interviewing Miguel Grinberg, author of the Flask Mega Tutorial

What I learned from interviewing Miguel Grinberg, author of the Flask Mega Tutorial

Comments 1
2 min read
What I learned from interviewing StackOverflow's top Python contributor, Martijn Pieters.

What I learned from interviewing StackOverflow's top Python contributor, Martijn Pieters.

2 min read
Distinguished Devs #2: John Leider - creator of Vuetify

Distinguished Devs #2: John Leider - creator of Vuetify

1 min read
Distinguished Devs #1: Carsten Haitzler - creator of Enlightenment

Distinguished Devs #1: Carsten Haitzler - creator of Enlightenment

1 min read
Distinguished Devs #0: Introduction

Distinguished Devs #0: Introduction

Comments 10
1 min read