DEV Community

Discussion on: Pull Requests Are Slowing You Down

benbouillet profile image
Ben Bouillet

I'm actually curious about people's reaction on this :
I was recently presented with temporary environments. The idea behind this is to automate the creation of an environment at the creation of the PR, this environment getting updated with each new commit related to this PR. The developer is now autonomously able to test his/her changes. Once the PR is validated and merged, the environment is destroyed and the new version of the app is promoted to prod.
How does it answer the issue described in this article?

bentorvo profile image
Ben Brazier

I have set up branch deployments before for teams of developers but in my experience the cost of doing so in complexity and extra infrastructure is not generally worth it. It can also be hard to get developers to manage the environments properly. It also increases the pr time if the builds are slow.

benbouillet profile image
Ben Bouillet

Thank you for your feedback!!
Even in a k8s infrastructure? I mean, there definitely is an overhead configuring it, but I'm wondering what would be the difficulty for developer managing the environments.

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bentorvo profile image
Ben Brazier

Yeah, even in k8s if you have 6 PRS then you need 6 versions deployed which takes up space and costs money. In that case there is less to manage but I don't recommend k8s based environments where the underlying infrastructure is managed separately to the application. It doesn't sit well with DevOps culture and I find that immutable infrastructure is a better approach.