What about the thought that stuff like vi is often the default way to do these things, it becomes your standard procedure, even if for code editing you've always used other types of editors?
I feel like this scenario could play out because folks may not switch off of the approximate default behavior.
Experienced PHP and C programmer based in Norway, with a history of game and web development. CTO at Blue Scarab Entertainment, previously at Servebolt.com, IMVU, Smarterphone, and Funcom.
What if the situation in which we edit these files is one where we're on an ssh connection in a console window where vim is the most powerful choice that isn't a desktop application? And then that becomes default behavior for config files, like you suggest.
I used to do this in vim, I think because I thought it was quicker. Since I have VS Code open almost all of the time, especially if I'm doing something to .bash_profile, it's just as quick to open in Code and easier (well, more comfortable) to edit.
Also, I have tended to use the terminal from within VS Code more these days, so the whole open and edit process can happen in the same program and I like that.
I am self taught developer. Node, React and GraphQL ♥.
I work as Frontend Developer at a StartUp. Learning and building side projects. Interested to work in open source.
French web developer mainly but touches everything. Volunteer mod here at DEV. I learn Nuxt at this moment and databases. — Addict to Cappuccino and Music
This opens the file with VS Code to the same workspace as rest of the files making it a really fast process. Then just save and close it like usual. I'm only using Vim when I'm working over SSH.
I love to create responsive data driven web apps with intuitive user experiences. When not writing code, I spend my time immersed in dance, aerial arts, and learning spoken languages.
City College of New York - B.A. in Advertising and Public Relations
It's pronounced Diane. I do data architecture, operations, and backend development. In my spare time I maintain Massive.js, a data mapper for Node.js and PostgreSQL.
It is (I do everything except Java in NeoVim); but also, if I'm just looking something up and don't mean to make changes, we've got other shell tools. I use less and grep/rg a lot with history files and so on.
Digital publishing. Content Architect. CSS Fan, stylesheet development, #a11y.
I’ve been around the W3 specifications block since I was a kid. (Really!)
Dog mom and violist.
Vi. It was the only editor in town other than emacs when I first learned to edit anything on the computer.
I still use Vim for CLI stuff and VS Code for other stuff. Don’t know why I don’t use Vim for writing anymore. Probably years of other options making their way into MY $PATH.
Ryan is an engineer in the Sacramento Area with a focus in Python, Ruby, and Rust. Bash/Python Exercism mentor. Coding, physics, calculus, music, woodworking. Looking for work!
Vim, and I’ll use that as my regular editor if it’s just a few files I’m throwing together to try something, or if it is on a less powerful computer. It works good but looking at multiple files and projects, I can’t be as productive. I know the shortcuts and the plugins. It just doesn’t work as well as vs code for me.
Vs code is definitely my high productivity, big brain space editor of choice. It is just generally a little slower if I’m just tweaking a few lines or doing a quick search and replace.
Although, vs code does have some amazing command line flags that make it ideal for git commit message editor, diff viewer, and more.
Then, I’ve been trying to get better at using dotfiles across multiple operating systems — Mac, Chromebook, Linux servers.
This means I treat the files more like a program, so I use my usual editor, VSCode.
However, when I am editing on the command line, I’ve been using micro — think of it as an upgraded nano that also has mouse support and a bunch more features. Including that you just download the binary and don’t need admin access to use it.
Been using UNIX since the late 80s; Linux since the mid-90s; virtualization since the early 2000s and spent the past few years working in the cloud space.
Alexandria, VA, USA
B.S. Psychology from Pennsylvania State University
vi has been a tough habit to break. I use it pretty much anywhere I can (thank you Cygwin/Moba). And, when I can't use it, I pray that, at the very least, I can install a copy of Notepad++ (harder, these days, now that Windows 10+ more-easily affords enterprise-managed systems the ability to allow only the installation of whitelisted tools).
Nano or VS Code, with using only VS Code looking likely going forward after seeing some of the comments here. Slightly controversial perhaps, but I never bothered to learn vim since I just want to open something that works and code away, rather than having to learn another language before I can do that 😂
Nano : if I am on terminal
IntelliJ : for practicing Java
Gedit : writing diary, editing files launched from file manager and just about everything else
BONUS : echo $TEXT >> $FILE_PATH for just adding a line at the EOF
I do some hefty customization with my bash_profile, so opening up in VS Code (along with everything else) is nice. I don't use vim and nano would fine if I had a smaller file. It's not much to do code ~/.bash_profile.
Equal parts higher-ed IT, web dev and support; with a dash of freelance consulting thrown in for good measure. (Oct/19: Seeking change of pace. Not afraid to take a step back in order to move ahead!)
VIM, despite the fact I was a massive emacs fan back in the day.
Just because VIM is definitely going to be on every terminal I end up defaulting to it on the command line.
I don't use it anyway else, I'd prefer an IDE like InteliJ.
Fred is a software jack of all trades, having worked over the last 24 years at every stage of the SDLC and has authored [two books](https://www.amazon.co.uk/Fred-Heath/e/B08F3Q1H1M).
This is like the perfect use case for micro, it's a terminal based editor but it has the same keybindings that modern editors have like ctrl+s for save, ctrl+z for undo, ctrl+x for cut and it even has multiple cursor support. (If someone is getting it, download the nightly build)
I think it is important to use an editor that makes syntax colouring and apply rules of indentations and use of spaces/tabs coherent with the rest of the file. It even makes more sense if it is files like YAML for configuration.
By the way, I use Emacs for this. It is kind of the same than using Vim, except you can exit it.
I feel any editor which can open quickly is fine. If the editor can be opened from terminal it becomes really easy for terminal users. I generally use vscode. editors like vscode, sublime have fast load times & also they can be accessed from terminal
I've been coding for over 20 years now! (WOAH, do I feel old)
I've touched just about every resource imaginable under the Sun (too bad they were bought out by Oracle)
Experienced PHP and C programmer based in Norway, with a history of game and web development. CTO at Blue Scarab Entertainment, previously at Servebolt.com, IMVU, Smarterphone, and Funcom.
It's either vim or jed, depending on what's installed.
For coding, I use IDEs with more language-specific support, either Visual Studio or PhpStorm. Never got into pimping out vim with plugins, or didn't find them to be as good when I tried.
Data wrangler, software engineer, systems programmer, cyclist. Unix (mostly Solaris) for aeons. I talk C, Python, SQL, Performance, Java, Kafka and Makefiles.
Brisbane, Australia
BA (Mathematics, Modern History), University of Queensland
While my primary text editor is emacs (and I'm getting up to speed on VS Code), when I want to edit a config file I'm almost always going to use vim. It's minimal, I've frequently needed to do edits over trans-Pacific ssh connections and the edits I've needed to make are generally < 10 lines. I can also pretty much guarantee that vim or vi are available on the remote end, too.
Same here, using Moba term which gives a File Explorer like interface in ssh connections, opens file in Notepad++ on my PC then saves back to same opened from directory on the remote server
I use gvim (don't like vim on terminal) as my only editor. Even though I spent significant time learning many of its magic stuff, I've fallen off track since leaving my job. These days, I'm mostly using it for markdown files and short programs. No plugins.
I used to use nano for this, but more recently I've been using neovim. I've been using WebStorm for my main IDE, but I've been working to introduce neovim more often, and it is perfect for dotfiles. I also just saw someone in this thread mention micro, and that looks really cool as well.
I don't edit anything outside of vim. It's just most efficient for me. I have no arguments about vim being good or bad for other people. I only know that I run circles around others when in group editing situations [even without plugins].
With that said, my first question to potential programming employees in the past has been "what editor do you you use?". I've never cared what the answer was beyond that there IS an answer.
Personally I hate mouse / cursor interaction. It's bothersome to me. But I'm not going to say that my method of interacting with clunky computers is better than others. The answer should always be, 'whatever works'.
Programmed Canon Canola calculators in 1977. Assorted platforms and languages ever since. Assisting with HOPL.info.
I am NOT looking for work -- I've got more than enough to do.
Perth, WA Australia
A few diplomas.
Software Engineer at [Daisy Digital](https://daisydigital.com.au/)
Husband, father of 👧 👧, and software developer living in the Metro Detroit area. Interested in continuous learning, tinkering, and exploring new technology.
👋 Hi! I started to get heavily involved with the FOSS community in 2012. I contributed to Bootstrap, Font Awesome, jQuery, GNU Bash, and many others. I also host a weekly podcast called "Sustain".
I use only neovim (vi) for everything, but I guess is old habits. If I recall correctly, in last stack overflow surveys, vim is more common around sysadmins/devops, which in a way confirm your suspicions.
I empower people to become software developers, especially those with kids/family responsibilities, full-time jobs, or who feel too old to start over. 🥰👩🏽💻
Washington DC
Duke University | The Firehose Project (coding bootcamp)
Grew up in Russia, lived in the States, moved to Germany, sometimes live in Spain. I program since I was 13. I used to program games, maps and now I reverse engineer password managers and other stuff
Berlin and Málaga
MS in CS from State Polytechnic University of St. Petersburg
I've been a professional C, Perl, PHP and Python developer.
I'm an ex-sysadmin from the late 20th century.
These days I do more Javascript and CSS and whatnot, and promote UX and accessibility.
This is close to how I am with these things, but I do think it pays to get in the habit of messing with these files when it's useful for your productivity in the long run.
👋 Hey there, I am Waylon Walker
I am a Husband, Father of two beautiful children, Senior Python Developer currently working in the Data Engineering platform space. I am a continuous learner, and sha
Confusingly, this is the
thing I use vim for. Everything else is in a different tool.I don't find this to be overly odd. I was actually specifically curious as to whether this was a thing.
I think since some people (myself included) think of vim as an editor just for quick edits, we use it for just that
What about the thought that stuff like
is often the default way to do these things, it becomes your standard procedure, even if for code editing you've always used other types of editors?I feel like this scenario could play out because folks may not switch off of the approximate default behavior.
What if the situation in which we edit these files is one where we're on an ssh connection in a console window where vim is the most powerful choice that isn't a desktop application? And then that becomes default behavior for config files, like you suggest.
I used to do this in
, I think because I thought it was quicker. Since I have VS Code open almost all of the time, especially if I'm doing something to.bash_profile
, it's just as quick to open in Code and easier (well, more comfortable) to edit.Also, I have tended to use the terminal from within VS Code more these days, so the whole open and edit process can happen in the same program and I like that.
For me it's the same. The only downside is that my vim skills don't evolve as fast as I want them to.
SAME! I have never even considered opening it in Sublime which is my main editor of choice when I am coding
I do the same.. but i use nvim.
I use the same, and never thought about other tool to edit it.
100% nano, and if using a current release of nano, -lmx is nice °>°
code -r /path/to/file
This opens the file with VS Code to the same workspace as rest of the files making it a really fast process. Then just save and close it like usual. I'm only using Vim when I'm working over SSH.
Cool. I don't know it
nano -w
If you're just going in and out, why get fancy. You still get emacs-like keyboard nav at a fraction of the cost.
On Linux I like use more nano than vim
Vim, but i also use vim as my regular editor.
I feel like if you use a terminal editor, it's probably the obvious choice.
I'm curious if folks who use standalone editors choose terminal apps in these contexts.
It is (I do everything except Java in NeoVim); but also, if I'm just looking something up and don't mean to make changes, we've got other shell tools. I use
a lot with history files and so on.Makes sense
but now I see many people using VS Code to open, I will give that a try too 😀
Vi. It was the only editor in town other than emacs when I first learned to edit anything on the computer.
I still use Vim for CLI stuff and VS Code for other stuff. Don’t know why I don’t use Vim for writing anymore. Probably years of other options making their way into MY $PATH.
Vim, and I’ll use that as my regular editor if it’s just a few files I’m throwing together to try something, or if it is on a less powerful computer. It works good but looking at multiple files and projects, I can’t be as productive. I know the shortcuts and the plugins. It just doesn’t work as well as vs code for me.
Vs code is definitely my high productivity, big brain space editor of choice. It is just generally a little slower if I’m just tweaking a few lines or doing a quick search and replace.
Although, vs code does have some amazing command line flags that make it ideal for git commit message editor, diff viewer, and more.
Nano makes a lot of sense in its control scheme.
For the longest time, my answer was nano.
Then, I’ve been trying to get better at using dotfiles across multiple operating systems — Mac, Chromebook, Linux servers.
This means I treat the files more like a program, so I use my usual editor, VSCode.
However, when I am editing on the command line, I’ve been using micro — think of it as an upgraded nano that also has mouse support and a bunch more features. Including that you just download the binary and don’t need admin access to use it.
has been a tough habit to break. I use it pretty much anywhere I can (thank you Cygwin/Moba). And, when I can't use it, I pray that, at the very least, I can install a copy of Notepad++ (harder, these days, now that Windows 10+ more-easily affords enterprise-managed systems the ability to allow only the installation of whitelisted tools).Sublime text
Nano or VS Code, with using only VS Code looking likely going forward after seeing some of the comments here. Slightly controversial perhaps, but I never bothered to learn
since I just want to open something that works and code away, rather than having to learn another language before I can do that 😂I swear by Micro. It has made editing in the command line a joy.
Nano : if I am on terminal
IntelliJ : for practicing Java
Gedit : writing diary, editing files launched from file manager and just about everything else
echo $TEXT >> $FILE_PATH
for just adding a line at the EOFI do some hefty customization with my bash_profile, so opening up in VS Code (along with everything else) is nice. I don't use vim and nano would fine if I had a smaller file. It's not much to do
code ~/.bash_profile
.Bash scripts =>
only if I'm absolutely stuck on a system that's not mine).htaccess files and quick HTML/CSS edits =>
)Markdown => Remarkable
Everything else => VS Code
VIM, despite the fact I was a massive emacs fan back in the day.
Just because VIM is definitely going to be on every terminal I end up defaulting to it on the command line.
I don't use it anyway else, I'd prefer an IDE like InteliJ.
You can also use Emacs in vi mode 😄
I've recently switched to micro editor as my goto editor for everyday tasks, such as configuration editing, quick shell scripts, etc. It's brilliant.
However, I'm sticking with Sublime for any major development work, for the extra features and IDE-like convenience.
I use Neovim/Sublime text for coding.
This is like the perfect use case for micro, it's a terminal based editor but it has the same keybindings that modern editors have like ctrl+s for save, ctrl+z for undo, ctrl+x for cut and it even has multiple cursor support. (If someone is getting it, download the nightly build)
I think it is important to use an editor that makes syntax colouring and apply rules of indentations and use of spaces/tabs coherent with the rest of the file. It even makes more sense if it is files like YAML for configuration.
By the way, I use Emacs for this. It is kind of the same than using Vim, except you can exit it.
VS Code for everything these days. I just started using the Insider Build so I could try out the Remote Development Extension Pack.
Well I use visual studio code for this too.
All i need to is
>code ~/.bash_profile
However inside servers, there is no other choice but to use VIM.
I feel any editor which can open quickly is fine. If the editor can be opened from terminal it becomes really easy for terminal users. I generally use vscode. editors like vscode, sublime have fast load times & also they can be accessed from terminal
Nano or VS Code depending on how many edits I want to make!
Makes sense, Nano for speed, Code for going bigger.
The closest thing to that is my .cshrc file. I used to edit it via nano, now I edit it through GitHub. Yeah, my console profile is a git repo now!
All of my actual work though is done in Sublime. Because Sublime is BEST!
It's either vim or jed, depending on what's installed.
For coding, I use IDEs with more language-specific support, either Visual Studio or PhpStorm. Never got into pimping out vim with plugins, or didn't find them to be as good when I tried.
While my primary text editor is emacs (and I'm getting up to speed on VS Code), when I want to edit a config file I'm almost always going to use vim. It's minimal, I've frequently needed to do edits over trans-Pacific ssh connections and the edits I've needed to make are generally < 10 lines. I can also pretty much guarantee that vim or vi are available on the remote end, too.
Notepad++ ❤
I feel like VSCode is a bit too much for such files.
Do you think this feeling is a matter of practicality and productivity or more of a personal taste/aesthetic/feelings?
Both actually 😁
VSCode has many extra features (side panel for git & file explorer).
But, notepad++ gives you just the text front of you so you can make changes or peek into the file as quick as possible... save & quit.
My thinking is generally like this: Do I need to open the whole folder and play with it?
Same here, using Moba term which gives a File Explorer like interface in ssh connections, opens file in Notepad++ on my PC then saves back to same opened from directory on the remote server
I used to be a
fan, but since I don't havenano
at my company servers, I become avim
user. So, I'm gonna sayvim
:P:x (less typing 😂)
Just like @irreverentmike for quick edits to text config files I almost always use
. Most other text type files I'll usevscode
.If it's something quick,
. If I'm doing a bunch of stuff, I'll use VS Code (my main editor).I don't have a usecase for IDE as of now
I use gvim (don't like vim on terminal) as my only editor. Even though I spent significant time learning many of its magic stuff, I've fallen off track since leaving my job. These days, I'm mostly using it for markdown files and short programs. No plugins.
Vscode and nano for terminal.
for files like .bashrc, i use bash's nano editor.
I used to use nano for this, but more recently I've been using neovim. I've been using WebStorm for my main IDE, but I've been working to introduce neovim more often, and it is perfect for dotfiles. I also just saw someone in this thread mention micro, and that looks really cool as well.
vim with plugins
I don't edit anything outside of vim. It's just most efficient for me. I have no arguments about vim being good or bad for other people. I only know that I run circles around others when in group editing situations [even without plugins].
With that said, my first question to potential programming employees in the past has been "what editor do you you use?". I've never cared what the answer was beyond that there IS an answer.
Personally I hate mouse / cursor interaction. It's bothersome to me. But I'm not going to say that my method of interacting with clunky computers is better than others. The answer should always be, 'whatever works'.
Whatever's handy at the time: VSCode, Notepad++. Occasionally WEE. I use the first two interchangeably for software development.
Same. 😁
.bash_profile = nano
VS Code
I use only neovim (vi) for everything, but I guess is old habits. If I recall correctly, in last stack overflow surveys, vim is more common around sysadmins/devops, which in a way confirm your suspicions.
, but I useVIM
for everything though :)Nano!!
nano if I'm looking at something fast, Sublime Text is I will be using it for a while
I use Sublime for most of my development
Nano and sublime text for huge files.
I still use my main editor (VS Code for this).
I type
and it opens up my.zshrc
file in VS Code.Then I type
and it refreshes my terminal window with the newest.zshrc
config.I use vim which is the same editor I use for all of my coding.
There are a few specific tasks I do still use a GUI editor for (multi cursor mode in Sublime for example). But they are getting rarer
I use nano for them even though VSCode is my primary editor.
I tend to use nvim for quick edits to one or two files. Anymore than that, I use VS Code.
VIM! All the way! 😃 😄
If it's a regular file, then I'd use Sublime (via
). It it requiressudo
, thennano
or now more and moremicro
(micro-editor.github.io/)It's vim, and yes it's the same editor I use for the majority of everything.
It feels straight-up weird to see configuration files in VSCode.
I do agree on the weirdness of seeing config filed in VSCode, even though I do it (about half the time)
Nano, since env files and simple bash scripts feel far more at home in Terminal. Otherwise, I use an IDE.
vi and nano
Most of the time I use vim for config files like that. But if I'm making more involved edits I open them in VS Code via the
command.Vi and seldom do I use vsc (if it requires more than few lines of editing)
Update: Reading through commends I notice more people use
curious as to why?Emacs, nano or VSCode, there's no logic there :D
vim before, but nowadays, I use VS Code for almost everything, including
filesFor quick edits,
When setting up some complex multiline function, VS Code.
On my local Ubuntu, I use Sublime mostly. Oddly, even if I could use the same Sublime for remotes, I just use vim.
vim because it feels the most natural to open a path starting from the HK e directory
Although I guess I could use
code ~/.zshrc
I prefervim ~/.zshrc
I don't usually edit files like these, so on the rare occasions I do, I have to find them first. So, TextEdit from the Finder.
This is close to how I am with these things, but I do think it pays to get in the habit of messing with these files when it's useful for your productivity in the long run.
💯 vim, nano confuses the heck out of me.
vim because normally I have to do only minor changes. Therefore, my little vim knowledge is sufficient.
I created both a shell script and a macro to open my bash config in Sublime Text.
I'm very proud of my modularized bashrc config: github.com/dotHTM/bash_hacks
Same or different from the rest of your coding?