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Ben Halpern
Ben Halpern

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What effect is the Coronavirus having on your work life and personal life?

Do you go into an office on work days? Is your company taking precautions? Are you taking personal precautions? Are you planning on attending any conferences soon which are up in the air?

Oldest comments (79)

avatarkaleb profile image
Kaleb M

So far we haven't had anything come up from work for precautions, but like you, I live in NYC, so coughs on the subway have definitely felt louder.

A friend of mine also sent a picture from Brooklyn's Trader Joe's that had many empty shelves already, so hopefully we all can stock up on necessities in case things become emergency status.

I've definitely been washing my hands for the full 20-30 seconds and if I feel sick, take time to rest or work from home to make verify symptoms and not infect anyone if I get anything!

How about you?

scrabill profile image
Shannon Crabill

Ekk, of all places to stock up from Trader Joe's seems expensive.

avatarkaleb profile image
Kaleb M


weeb profile image
Patrik Kiss • Edited

Nothing πŸ€·β€β™‚

Especially since it's basically not even present in the country (yet)

leirasanchez profile image
Leira SΓ‘nchez

Non-essential business travel has been canceled at work. In my personal life, I'm considering canceling my trip to France. Not without crying a lot first, of course. I have been dreaming about going to France since I started learning French nearly 10 years ago.

marcusatlocalhost profile image

I think it's better to travel now since everybody is more cautious. Better than at the beginning of the year when nobody expected anything.

leirasanchez profile image
Leira SΓ‘nchez

That is a good point

emmanuelnk profile image
Emmanuel K

You could get stuck in a government quarantine (days to weeks) if you happen to be on a flight or in a hotel with someone infected though (this has happened to tons of people). I'd err on the side of caution and wait for the situation to improve a bit.

Thread Thread
marcusatlocalhost profile image

That's a valid point!

Sloan, the sloth mascot
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marcusatlocalhost profile image

Sahil, Alexander Gauland don't want you to open this can of worms.

jennajlee92 profile image

As long as you're not from Korea, Iran, or Italy (and of course China), travel to France should be fine! I feel like if you've been dreaming about it for so long, you should go. From what I know, the above countries are the ones that have the most people with corona, and places like the U.S. and other countries in Europe are not as invested in the corona scare.

m_nevin profile image
Marc Nevin

Currently, as a company, we've not had any big changes!

Some of my team were supposed to be heading to MWC before it was cancelled but it was just to attend so minimal disruption,

I'm supposed to be heading to a conference next week, I'm scared it might get cancelled... I've my holiday booked in the same state after!

But when there it'll be a case of washing hands a lot, using hand sanitiser etc

fultonbrowne profile image
Fulton Browne

For me, not much. A friend of mine who works for a very large tech company got his speaking spot at MWC canceled and another friend of mine who's a marketing manager at an international company is having big meetings canceled and bad shipping delays.

hammtronic profile image

My twitter feed is annoyingly full of people talking about this, otherwise it has had zero effect on my life (to my awareness anyways, maybe gas prices have changed)

mastacheata profile image
Mastacheata • Edited

maybe gas prices have changed

They dropped significantly for the time being. It's unclear how long that will stay, though.

jcoelho profile image
JosΓ© Coelho

Cleaning door handles, elevator buttons and toilets 3x a day and a no hand-shakes policy.
Also most people is cutting down on traveling which is bad for a decentralized project.

Personally just a lot of hand-washing and being alert.

thatonejakeb profile image
Jacob Baker

I have a cold at the moment so other than β€œoMg dO yOu HaVe CoRonAvIrUs???” jokes nothing is different!

scrabill profile image
Shannon Crabill

The jokes are tired, at best.

andrewbrown profile image
Andrew Brown πŸ‡¨πŸ‡¦

My international AWS workshops are being delayed or even cancelled
My other startup, fewer students coming to class to avoid CORVID.

monicat profile image
Monica Macomber

Seattle's getting more activity than I'd like. The office sent out an email about it but we're still running as usual.

I think twice before leaving home, especially for anywhere crowded. I'll probably start doing more grocery deliveries instead of going to the store, and I'm wondering if I should ask my out-of-state family to cancel their visit this month 😞

nirebu profile image
NicolΓ² Rebughini

I've written about this right now. Started this morning but had to finish it later.

TL;DR: for me and my company it means working remote for two full weeks while I'm quarantined. I also had to cancel some long awaited international travel.

Longer version below

scrabill profile image
Shannon Crabill

In general, the media on this (plus it being an election year) is stressing me out. I think the media is making is hyping stuff up more than it needs to be. Unfortunately, because everyone (I'm generalizing here) is scared of what could happen, instead of looking at the facts, there's more misinformation, xenophobia, and paranoia than usual.

I work for a healthcare company, so we've sent out communications to our members about a month ago that we're monitoring the situation, here are the facts, etc. Internally, it's business as usual for me, since I work remotely. That said, I am a little concerned since my partner (we live together) works at an airport and therefore his chances of exposure are higher.

I wasn't planning on attending any conferences this year anyway.

All in all, I am not too worried, but I am finding the media hype (and shutting down the xenophobes) to be adding to my stress levels.

missamarakay profile image
Amara Graham

I'm a remote employee and we just cancelled our quarter planning trip that gets most of the company together at our HQ. So that's a bummer, but I'm trying to stay positive about it because it sounds like we are going to do something almost totally remote planning wise instead so I'm hoping that its still productive!

Conferences and workshops on the other hand are a mess. We assume most large conferences and tradeshows in March/April/May will end up cancelled. We are making a call tomorrow about hosting an upcoming developer event. I don't want to be the person who runs an event and people end up getting sick citing my event as the potential source. I also don't want to inadvertently end up as a carrier.

I have a 6 hour hands on workshop worth of content just hanging out in limbo. Started pulling it apart to think about a virtual offering, but we would need to run a ton of client taxing applications to make that a reality. Just ugh.

rhymes profile image
rhymes • Edited

I live in Milan, Italy which is in the region where most of the detected cases for the virus in the country are, around 1200+ people. Though I don't live in what the government is calling the "red zone" which is around 60 kilometers south from here.

Last week was a bit absurd. Last sunday people here literally ransacked supermarkets in fear that supplies were going to be scarce or rationed. That kinda became a meme the following two days. Cinemas, gyms, stadiums, clubs and schools (of any kind) are still closed now in week 2. Bars went from "they have to be closed after 6pm" to "they can be opened after 6pm if they have table service". I was invited to leave a bar at 5.55pm on saturday.

Museums now on week two can welcome visitors, but only in small groups. The public health system is having trouble finding beds for patients that need to be placed in intensive care as obviously patients need those places for other problems other than the virus as well, but the private hospitals seem to be lending a hand.

Me and my friends are getting a little bit restless as there's not much to do. Though people are around during the day, we're all sort of meeting at each other places for dinner or staying home, waiting. In my neighboorhood I see many closed stores and empty restaurants.

The media isn't helping at all and not all are responding well to the quarantine (people literally tried to escape the quarantined zones the other day).

marcosvafilho profile image
Marcos Filho

None. Fully remote since 2016, didn't have plans to travel or attend any event this semester anyway.

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