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Discussion on: how to join open source projects?

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Ben Halpern

Right now for beginners what languages ​​would be cool for beginners to start with ?

I'd probably recommend Python and JavaScript—perhaps with an eye towards learning Java later on for a broader perspective.

Python and JS are both booming in popularity and have a lot of beginner guides. But in order not to be too "sheltered", I think learning Java will teach a lot about programming.

Tell us if you would have any projects to recommend for beginners

We always welcome beginners to contribute to DEV

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When I started contributing , I also started from js (as I was doing it any way). I picked up a validation lib which I was using. I started with fixing some typos and later on started doing feature request and bug fixes. Contributing is really fun and gives you a challenge to attend

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Thank you very much for you reply, Ben Halpern. I'm a big fan of you work and your contributions! 🤘 🤘 🤘