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Discussion on: I created and maintained my first open source project for Hacktoberfest. It got spooky. Ask me Anything.

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

What's the scariest thing about contributing to open source?

scrabill profile image
Shannon Crabill

Great first question!

For me, the idea that I might have a bad experience is what made open source scary to me.

I had been interested in contributing to open source for a while, but kept talking myself out of it. Open source seemed like this big, scary thing that only the "cool" kids with all the experience could be a part of. Imposter syndrome hit when I didn't think I had the skills (a lot of repos out there did not seem front-end developer friendly) to be able to add anything of value. And what if—gasp—someone rejected my pull request, or was rude to me, or noticed I was an open source n0ob and kick me out of the treehouse.

Luckily, my anxiety was wrong. I've had nothing but good interactions to date :)

Was there a point where you found open source scary?

itsdarrylnorris profile image
Darryl Norris

People looking at your bugs? :P

scrabill profile image
Shannon Crabill

I'd encourage people looking at (and hopefully helping to correct) my bugs.

I can also see how that would be nervewracking. The idea of doing something wrong or breaking ALL of the code has dissuaded me from contributing a few times.