DEV Community

Discussion on: Learning to code so I can ditch my dead-end job, but I'm overwhelmed, under-rested, and my brain is full of bees. Plz halp?

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

Try to make progress in my bootcamp curriculum?
Watch one of the video courses I've bought to help me through the curriculum?
Practice katas and algorithms?
Work on some of my portfolio apps?
Work on my resume?
Practice pair programming?
Practice tech interview questions?
Do some freeCodeCamp lessons?
Scream into a pillow?
Pass out face-down in a hedge?

I'd say do any one or two of these things. Any of them, probably doesn't matter. Even screaming in the pillow when that is needed. Software development really is about getting back on the bike every day and peddling. Breakthroughs come at an uneven pace if you can stick to it.

If it seems brutal some days, but that's normal.

Are you listening to any podcasts? Could help squeeze some good learning time into your commute.

PS my brother recently learned to code in his early 40s and is now doing this stuff professionally. You got this!!

jdkoeppen profile image

Thanks Ben, what podcast would you recommend for learning rather than shop talk? Also, do you have any advice for keeping myself focused when I do narrow it down to one or two tasks? Yoga? Breathing exercises? Silicon Valley style sensory deprivation chamber?

rapsin4 profile image
Michael Ye

Software engineering daily, but that might be a bit advanced for you right now

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ben profile image
Ben Halpern

I agree, but if you scope out some MERN stack episodes it could help.

(I was on today's episode, so you could check that out. πŸ˜„ It was also a fairly non-technical episode)

I'm not really listening to any MERN stack type shows, but is one I've heard is good that might be fun.

But you also could benefit from more fundamentals than just stuff that tracks JS changes, which happen quickly.

CodeNewbie and Learn to Code with Me come to mind as really solid newbie-friendly ones.