DEV Community

Discussion on: I put an early DEV iOS app up on GitHub and would love your help!

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

Okay, here it is blank, I welcome any kind of PR that moves along, as long as it's in line with the ethos (or convinces me of a direction change)

thepracticaldev / DEV-Android

DEV Community Android App


This is the repo for the Android app. There is nothing here, but with your help, maybe we can get this up and running soon! Thing should relate ideologically to the concepts we are building with the iOS app.

We are bought in to the Basecamp idea of building for native, described in a few articles and talks from them:

Our app doesn't have the exact same needs that they do, and we don't use Turbolinks in our web app, so we can't just copy their approach full-on, but I still think this jives for now. To be clear: I'm not sure whether we use Turbolinks native or not, but the part I do agree with is using web views and native nav etc. where possible to start, and thene evolving as is natural.

By leveraging web views as much as…

To be clear, I'm not sure we need or want to use Turbolinks per se, but their ideas are agreeable to me.

Thread Thread
chrisvasqm profile image
Christian Vasquez

This is awesome!

I was thinking about learning some Ruby to be able to help once the web version is out, but this got me even more excited!