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Discussion on: Hi, I'm Ivan. I grew my career while working remotely since 2010, I love knowledge sharing and helping starters. AMA!

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Ben Halpern

How is remote work different in 2018 than it was in 2010?

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Ivan Neto

Great question!

The word is organization.

Eight years ago it was hard to find a good client, nice projects, you had to work on your own. It was so much stress. We had some websites but with a lack of organization, you needed to dig a lot to be able to find something worthwhile.

Now we have plenty of websites and companies focused on remote work. Many organized by stack, types of jobs, client budget or professional experience. Some work specific technologies or jobs (QAs or designers only, for instance) They do pre-screening, find good developers, good clients, match each other.

You can still work on your own, but there is a possibility of using some platforms and allowing them to take part of your rate and they take care of finding good clients and projects. Before you had to be like a company with a client. Now it's possible to have someone with just programming abilities to kind of outsource the contact with the client and just do the development part.

Some platforms only allow higher level clients and professionals, to avoid any kind of hassle at all costs. That's really important for some companies and developers and many companies are really willing to pay really higher rates for professionals capable to deliver faster, in time, and with an organized schedule. At the same time, we have professionals who want companies that will always pay at the end of a project, pay well, make good requirements, not ask for crazy stuff and appreciate the work done.

The world is learning that many professionals can be remote as well, like managers, designers, financial advisors, and sometimes the entire company!