DEV Community

Discussion on: Should we do away with junior/middleweight/senior?

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

Perhaps it's my personality or that my first "real" dev job was as "cto πŸ€”" of a two-person startup, but I never even considered labelling myself "junior". I didn't say "senior" either, I was just a developer.

But the thing about humans and language is that any time we sort of do away with some construct we kind of wind our way back into that situation by playing with words. We have a remarkable ability to twist the meanings of things until we fall back to the hierarchical statuses we collectively crave.

charliedevelops profile image

I hadn't thought about it like that before, its a really interesting point - people tend to instinctively put themselves inside boxes. To attempt to add to your idea perhaps in addition to the developers that do this to themselves, quite often it may be the gatekeepers to positions i.e the recruiters that do this as a way to gauge some level of understanding of what companies expectations and individuals expectations are and if they line up. Some of the approaches I have had from recruiters have focussed more on if I am a junior/middleweight/senior over talking about the actual things I can do. Hopefully done with the best intentions, however ending up pigeonholing people, I suppose this is where some of the collective frustration about software recruiters may stem from.