DEV Community

Discussion on: Does my portfolio looks good ?

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

Really clean, really solid, really fast and functional.

I'd say at this point, I'd seek out ways to make it look more unique, a little less generic. I think it's great to get to a good place with slick minimalism, but now is a good time to focus on any small details where you can make the design stand out just a little bit more.

The skills page, for example, could probably be designed a bit more vs just being text. And you could seek to level up from these somewhat generic illustrations.

Again, it's great to first get to this place, but if you want to really make it work you could probably keep up with some small changes!

Happy coding!

sherrydays profile image
Sherry Day

I'd +1 most of this.

sakethkowtha profile image

Thank you @ben will work on that. Thank you for your feedback 🙂