DEV Community

Discussion on: What AWS service are you struggling to learn? What’s painful?

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

I find the documentation, guides, and mental model pretty straightforward for most AWS services...

I tend to find things break down around permissions, groups, and how certain things plug together. That's inherently more complex in general but definitely where I struggle the most. I suspect any major cloud infrastructure provider's major opportunity for growth is the "how things plug together" piece of things anyway.

alejandra_quetzalli profile image
Alejandra Quetzalli 🐾

I SO agree with you, and I was actually just mentioning this to a colleague last week!

Do you have a specific group offering or service from AWS that you found the most confusing to "plug together" ? What do you think we should have done better?

charlesdlandau profile image
Charles Landau

App Mesh and Event Bridge seem like great examples of this, but don't solve the real challenge... IAM. Maybe the most interesting thing I've seen in that space is cloud recorder. A chrome extension that watches you take actions in the dashboard and outputs Terraform, limited IAM JSON, er cetera... Why doesn't AWS just have this themselves???

adriansamuel profile image
Adrian Samuel

Wow! This exists??!