DEV Community

Discussion on: Who else misses DEV's old Unicorn n Heart icons?

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

I know what you mean. I was also hesitant about this move...

I think once we roll out the rest of the related changes we should circle back here and insert more of the flavor back in.

As we see from the comments, things are pretty mixed. I want us to take another spin on really focusing on reactions in terms of where to put them, how they should look in different states, etc. As part of a bigger style overhaul it's hard to go too deep into each component.

shaijut profile image
Shaiju T

New icons are good, But it is not colorful and visible like the old ones and can cause less reactions. Users may miss to react, they may not why these icons are there for. Just a feedback :)

sergix profile image
Peyton McGinnis

When you tap the icon again to undo heart/unicorn/bookmark, the icon is in this state:

I think this should be the default. It keeps the circular shape (which makes it feel more like a button) and has some color to it.

Then keep the new "active" state the same, where the icon changes to filled and creates a border around the icon.

daveparr profile image
Dave Parr

What other related changes are coming up? Or is that top secret? 🤫

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

Mostly a bunch of design updates to bring the whole site into our new Crayons style guide.

Most of our work right now is either top-level cohesion and work on Forem.

But since we're open source, different things happen at different paces based on PRs that come in and issues that come up.

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salyadav profile image
Saloni Yadav

That unicorn was a DEV exclusive emotion. Not one other place have I seen it. Now the reactions have gotten too trite and cliche towards where the rest of the ui/ux world is moving.

salyadav profile image
Saloni Yadav

Aye! I noticed the icons move from foot to left side. That was alright. And then all of a sudden the colours evaporated. For a while I thought there was a problem in downloading scripts or something! Just the unicorn pleeeease! Somehow bring back that 🦄 🦄🦄
On a side note- waiting to see what new surprises you have in store for us! I see a lot of UI changes going around with every day’s visit.