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Lakshit Pant
Lakshit Pant

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Streamlining Azure Virtual Machine Deployment with ARM Templates in Visual Studio Code

Azure Virtual Machines (VMs) are a key component of cloud computing, providing scalable and flexible infrastructure for various applications and workloads.

In this blog post, we will explore the process of deploying Azure Virtual Machines using ARM (Azure Resource Manager) templates in Visual Studio Code, a powerful and extensible code editor.

ARM templates enable the definition of the Azure resources needed for your solution in a declarative manner, making it easier to manage and reproduce your infrastructure.


Before diving into the deployment process, ensure that you have the following prerequisites:

  • An Azure subscription
  • Visual Studio Code installed
  • Azure Resource Manager Tools extension for Visual Studio Code

Step 1: Create an ARM Template

Start by creating an ARM template that describes the configuration of your Azure Virtual Machine. This template will define properties such as VM size, OS image, networking, and storage configurations. You can either write the template from scratch or use existing templates from the Azure Quickstart Templates repository.

Step 2: Customize ARM Template

Modify the ARM template according to your requirements. Specify the desired VM configuration, including the OS image, size, networking settings, and any additional resources needed for your application.

Step 3: Deploy using Visual Studio Code

Open Visual Studio Code and ensure you have the Azure Resource Manager Tools extension installed.

Open the command palette (Ctrl+Shift+P) and select "Azure: Sign In" to sign in to your Azure account.

Open the ARM template file (azuredeploy.json) in Visual Studio Code.

Right-click anywhere in the ARM template file and choose "Deploy ARM Template."

Select your subscription, resource group, and any other required parameters.

Monitor the deployment progress in the Visual Studio Code output window.

Step 4: Verify Deployment

Once the deployment is complete, you can verify the deployed Virtual Machine in the Azure portal or by using the Azure CLI commands.

az vm show --resource-group <ResourceGroupName> --name <VMName> --show-details --output table
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Replace and with your actual resource group name and VM name.

Deploying Azure Virtual Machines using ARM templates in Visual Studio Code offers a streamlined and efficient way to manage your infrastructure as code.

This approach provides repeatability, version control, and scalability, allowing you to easily replicate and modify your deployments as needed. By following the steps outlined in this blog post, you can harness the power of ARM templates and Visual Studio Code to simplify the deployment and management of your Azure VMs.

And that’s how to deploy an Azure VM using ARM templates! ARM templates are powerful and can be used not for just Virtual Machines, but any type of Azure Deployment.

For more, explore here: MS Learn <> ARM Templates in VS Code

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