DEV Community

Nadia Zhuk
Nadia Zhuk

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🎉 Another interview is out, what a week 🎉

I have recently been invited to Mateusz Bogolubow's podcast This podcast aims to provide help and support for those just starting their journey in tech.

We covered a lot of topics in our chat, among them:

✅ How to make the transition from junior software engineer to mid level engineer.
✅ What advice I would give to someone just starting their first job in tech.
✅ What career development looks like for software engineers in large tech companies like Intercom.

It was a lovely experience, and I am pleased to observe that I no longer get that stressed out about giving interviews and public speaking in general. Ah, the joy of continuous self-improvement and the underestimated power of tiny steps 💖

It was also my first podcast recorded in Polish! Hopefully, not the last one 🤞

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