@yawaramin now you gave right arguments. But I want you to answer a leading question, what your comment proves?
- html is not declarative programming language
- Declarative programming is not programming
I have described you that html actually has input, output, VERY Doman-specfic and high-level conditions and computation. And it actually matches the defenition of declarative programming.
Which is on the wiki
Do we have a conflict on a defenitions or we just can't give them?
Top comments (5)
I don't understand if you're asking me questions or telling me. In any case:
Programming languages are very closely tied to the question of computability and Turing-completeness, but even if we argue that a programming language doesn't need to be Turing-complete (e.g. dhall-lang.org/ ), even Turing-incomplete languages can still encode pure logical conditions and algorithms.
You have a basic misunderstanding of what declarative programming is, especially compared to imperative programming. I recommend studying the textbooks I linked you to in my last comment: dev.to/yawaramin/comment/2bj2g
No I don't, for now we have the same understanding of what declarative programming is.
I described you html's features.
And why it's not just text formating, remember (too high level, and case-specific)
And one more time, remember my "point", the fact that you needed so long to "prove" that html is pl, makes phrase "html is not pl" not really suitable for the topic, instead it will be better to use... something similar:
*In this context we don't usually define html as pl. There is no clear answer on what "it's not", but we can clearly say what "it is" *
Html is mainly used for murkup
but I still did not found argument of why "aaa you stupid beginners, don't call html pl"
"Html is mainly used for murkup
" - I hope you will not use it out of context and say something like: "I glad wee agree, that it's used Only used for markup"
You trying to prove "it's not" though "what it is"
And the main concept is that a term (programming language in our case) can have many "it is".
I don't cancel your "it is", it's correct, but my "it is" or "it also is" is also suitable.
I found the defs (interpretation) on wiki of what declarative programming is.
You also gave another case of declarative programming interpretation (defenition)
(that's why I can't ignore or reinterpret your arguments and sourses because all of them are "it is", and I don't argue with them, so newer say that I ignore, or reinterpret)
To prove your "is not", you need to find mistakes, or flaw in what I used to prove my "it is" or "it also is". And I refered to wiki's Def of declarative, and non-imperative programming.
And stop saying I ignore anything. I discussed it. You "math proof" was a comparence
of "programmig language" and an a math language.
What was it?
In this case you just used logical errors and polemics.
And by the way, I capitalized text due to your disrespect. Not because I wanted to prove something