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Returning to OSS development?


A few years back, I created a CSS framework, new.css. The project quickly took off, reaching the #1 spot of the day on Hacker News. This brought a lot of eyeballs and attention, which I am incredibly grateful for! However, stress in my life and anxiety around Internet communication and collaboration made me fall out of touch with the project, and this disconnect has led to some depressing burnout.

I would very much like to integrate back into the open source development community and start regularly updating my own projects, along with contributing to the work of others.

Others who have found themselves in similar situations, how have you handled this? Do you have any recommendations for working through personal project burnout, or returning to a community after a good amount of time has passed?

Thanks, everyone! ^‿^

Top comments (1)

srbhr profile image
Saurabh Rai

Hi @bdn
Yes, I faced a similar challenge. I used to be active in 2019ish. But during the 2020. I slowed down on open source.
But during the second half of 2021. Things picked up, one thing happened, and I was collaborating with people to do an open-source conference. Then managing a community around it. Mentored in Google's Summer of Code for Weaviate. Learned about Neural Search in Jina, Vector Database with Qdrant & Weaviate.

And now, making Resume Matcher. It's an ATS like tool with ML capabilities to check for ATS friendliness of your resume. Then it does some keyword matching etc.
If you want to check it out.
And the blog I've written

Let me know your thoughts.
And welcome back to OSS! One never just simply leaves OSS Development.