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Palash Bauri 👻
Palash Bauri 👻

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Penme - OpenSource Note App Focused on Privacy!

👻 Story of Penme :

One day after reaching my class I recalled, "I forgot my notebook", ofcourse i had a mobile but unfourtunately without a note taking app and When i tried downloading one, the internet became so slow that it was taking so long to download! I was like damn, I'll go home today and build my own lightweight note taking app!

👻 What is Penme :

Penme is a lightweight open source note taking app focused on privacy! All your data is stored in your device, none of your data never leaves your device (unless the user does something silly 😉)

👻 Lighthouse Score:

👻 Features :

  • You Can Take notes (wink)
  • You can share those notes with your friends by just sharing a link
  • You can save notes and edit them later
  • It's fast
  • It's a PWA

👻 Help Me Improve :

GitHub logo bauripalash / penme

Penme is a lightweight open source note taking app focused on privacy!



👻 What is Penme :

Penme is a lightweight open source note taking app focused on privacy! All your data is stored in your device, none of your data never leaves your device (unless the user does something silly 😉 )

👻 Story of Penme :

One day after reaching my class I recalled, "I forgot my notebook", ofcourse i had a mobile but unfourtunately without a note taking app and When i tried downloading one, the internet became so slow that it was taking so long to download! I was like damn, I'll go home today and build my own lightweight note taking app!

👻 Features :

  • You Can Take notes (😉)
  • You can share those notes with your friends by just sharing a link
  • You can save notes and edit them later
  • It's fast
  • It's a PWA

👻 Wanna Help Improve It?


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Top comments (2)

samuelojes profile image

Awesome what stack did u use

bauripalash profile image
Palash Bauri 👻

Everything is clientside