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DIGI Byte for Battle Hard

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Unleashing the Power of "Battle Hardened" NFTs: A Revolutionary Locker System

In the dynamic realm of NFTs, "Battle Hard" emerges as a game-changer, not only introducing an innovative locker system but also redefining how users interact with both old and new NFT projects. This groundbreaking initiative aims to breathe new life into forgotten NFTs, allowing them to be re-rugged within the dynamic framework of "Battle Hardened." Additionally, for new projects, it provides a universal template, offering a fresh and customizable experience for both creators and collectors alike.

The Locker System:

At the heart of Battle Hard lies the innovative locker system, allowing users to generate trait-based lockers known as "Battle Hardened". These lockers come in three flavors, each catering to different preferences and styles. By default, the black market adopts the squads mode, allowing users to assemble any combination of four NFTs without specific requirements.

The choice of flavors, including squads, evolution, and power modes, is exclusively at the discretion of the project owner should they choose to adopt the Battle Hard format. This flexibility empowers creators to tailor the NFT experience to their project's unique identity and user base.

MODE - Squads:

Any combination of four NFTs can be grouped together in a squad without the need for specific requirements between them.
This flexibility encourages users to curate unique combinations, fostering creativity and strategic diversity.

MODE - Evolution:

Dedicated identifiers define generations, ranging from 1 to 4.
The evolution feature pays homage to classic gaming, creating a sense of lineage and history within the NFTs.

MODE - Power:

Features a single NFT that can be infused with additional tokens, allowing it to scale in power with each infusion.
This dynamic mirrors popular gaming mechanics like Pokemon's use of rare candy or Warframe's forma slots, providing a captivating progression system.

Soft Locking and User Agency:

The concept of 'soft locking' is a game-changer in the NFT space. Users have complete control over their lockers, enabling them to insert or remove NFTs at any time. This flexibility not only allows for easy trading between NFTs but also opens up opportunities for trait farming.

Battle Hard emphasizes user agency, ensuring that NFTs can be redefined with unique traits using an AI model. This model determines the elements within each item and reports their synergy within each locked NFT, providing an interactive and dynamic experience.

Native Token - Battle Infusion (B$):

Battle Hard introduces a native token called Battle Infusion (B$), serving as the default currency for minting hardened NFTs. However, flexibility is key, as official projects can adjust this token to suit their ecosystems. For instance, ToTheMoon Inc (TTM) utilizes $TTM tokens within the Battle Hard framework.

Soft Burning for Token Economy:

All tokens used for minting are 'soft burnt,' providing contract owners the ability to decide the destination of these tokens upon minting. This strategic approach allows for locking tokens away, assigning them to public pools for resale, or earmarking them for future airdrops.


With its cutting-edge locker system, Battle Hard stands at the forefront of NFT innovation. By drawing inspiration from beloved franchises and introducing novel concepts like 'soft locking' and a native token economy, Battle Hard empowers users, providing a dynamic and customizable NFT experience. The project's commitment to user agency and endorsement of official projects make it a promising player in the ever-expanding NFT landscape.

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