DEV Community

Bart Wijnants
Bart Wijnants

Posted on • Originally published at

retyst: A React Typescript Starter

check retyst out on GitHub


npm install
npm start
npm run build:dev
npm run build:prod
npm run detach


This is a simple starter repo to quickly get a React Typescript project going.

The dev dependencies include Typescript and Webpack with ts-loader, html-webpack-plugin, webpack-cli and webpack-dev-server.

The dependencies are react, react-dom and styles-components.

I will try to keep this repo up to date whenever I use it (and that might be never).


You can test this repo by executing npm install followed by npm start and then browse to http://localhost:8080/.

You can use the npm run build:dev and npm run build:prod to check out the generated bundles.

The npm run detach script removes all connections to retyst and the .git folder so you can start your own project.


This repo is licensed under the MIT License.

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