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Discussion on: Helpful Terminal Commands for Beginners!

banminkyoz profile image

Really cool post, Malik. :D

I do love to use terminal too. I'd like to share you my dotfiles. I think i'll update some commands in this post to it :)

You know, I love to create alias for most my most used command. Like:

  • c instead of cd
  • mkd to make a forler and jump in to it right away
  • gh to jump to my github folder, pj to jump into my project folder
  • ni, ns for npm install, npm start
  • gs, ga, gc "message", gp, gpush... instead of git status, git add ., git commit "message", git pull, git push...etc

And a lot of them. When i have to use a command so much, i'm always want to make an alias for it, i found it's very useful. :) So what's your opinion, do you use alias too ?

Maybe i'll do a post to share how i boosted productivity with terminal tomorrow :D

P/s: i don't know why `` not work so above command is a little to see :D

milkstarz profile image

try using three tick marks instead of two. Thanks for sharing, I'll add some of those to my bash_profile :)