Hi everyone! 👋
I’m excited to share my latest project, GhubScan. It’s an OSINT (Open Source Intelligence) tool designed to gather information about GitHub users. This is an open-source project that is simple and effective.
🌟 Main Features
Here are the main features of GhubScan, including the latest updates (v1.3):
Fetch all profile information of a GitHub user by entering their username.
Verify and retrieve information about an email address, checking if it's connected to a GitHub account.
Display information about a user’s ID, including associated metadata.
🔧 Installation and Usage
You can try this tool by following these simple steps:
git clone
cd GhubScan
bash # For Linux/macOS
start.bat # For Windows
GhubScan uses GitHub's public APIs to gather information.
For more details, visit the GitHub repository.
💡 How to Contribute?
Interested in contributing to GhubScan? Here’s how you can help:
⭐ Star the GitHub repository to show your support.
🐛 Submit bug reports or share ideas for improvements.
💻 Contribute by writing code or improving the documentation.
📢 Feedback
I’d love to hear your thoughts!
What do you think of GhubScan? Do you have any suggestions to make it better? Feel free to open an issue or contact me directly.
Thank you ;)
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