DEV Community

Discussion on: Do you prefer TypeScript over vanilla JS?

baldore profile image
Camilo Orrego

It's good to see that you go with JavaScript, and I don't want to go against all your points, just the first one: there's no modern project that just uses JavaScript in the browser. At least you will need to use Babel to have all the features in any project, or something like Webpack.

stojakovic99 profile image
Nikola Stojaković

I agree. Beside that, TypeScript allows gradual move from JS to TS code base and build times are not slow at all, even for the bigger projects.

hjorthbjorn profile image
Björn Hjorth

Agree any project worth there salt has a build pipeline. But a thought is to keep the dev experience as vanilla as possible and use the pipelines for builds to prod.

Where I work we do nothing of this, it’s a giant enterprise solution with all the bells and whistles that comes with it.

So this is just a pipedream for less pipelines.