2019 has been a year to remember for me. Here I have shared gist of things I have done in 2019
💭Developed app for
1 Android - Mobile
2 Android - Tab
3 Android TV
4 FireStick
📱Worked on different apps
- Streaming app
- Selling / Buying platform app
- Wallpaper app - NFWalls
- Tweetstorm - StormIt
👨💻Worked with
- Kotlin
- Coroutines
- Dagger
- Jetpack Components
- RoomDB
- WorkManager
- ViewModel
- LiveData
- Navigation component
- Camera2 API
- Multi module app
- Instant app
- Firebase
- RealTime DB
- Firebase Auth
- Firebase Dynamic link
- Firebase Analytics and distribution
- Firebase In-App messaging and Cloud messaging (Notification)
- Firebase Remote config
- Maps
- RxJava
- Google drive API integration for backup and restore
- DRM content streaming
- Security
- SSL Pinning
- RSA content verification
- AES Encryption / Decryption
- Keystore to store sensitive data
- Moved an App from Java to Kotlin
- Moved an App from ORM Lite to Room DB
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