A Point-to-Site (P2S) VPN gateway connection lets you create a secure connection to your virtual network from an individual client computer. A P2S connection is established by starting it from the client computer.
Creating a P2S Connectivity:
Block Diagram of the connectivity we will be making shown below.
We need to have SUBSCRIPTION in my case I'm using STUDENT SUBSCRIPTION.
- Creating a Virtual Network and creating a Subnet of IP (
- Creating a Virtual Machine and including the Virtual Network with Subnet in it.
- Now creating a Virtual Network Gateway. This will take around 20-25mins to be created.
- In the mean time we create the root and child certificates. Now in Google we search for Point-to-site certificates . And then we create root certificate by copying the above code and running it in PowerShell.
- Now we open search certificates in windows search and then we need to export the root certificate.
- In the same manner we create the child certificate and export it as we have done while doing the root certificate.
- After the certificates are created they are saved in the location provided by us (in my case Downloads section).
- Then we go to Virtual Network Gateway and under Point-to-Site-Configuration we need to add the root credentials in it and save it and download the VPN Client.
- Now we need to install the child certificate in the point desktop.
- Now we extract the VPN that we had downloaded earlier. We will now go traverse in WindowsAmd64 folder and then run the application.
- : Now we go to Settings>Network & Internet>VPN.
By doing this we successfully completed the Point-to-Site connectivity using AZURE.
In this we do peering of more than 1 networks.
Block Diagram of the gateway we will be making shown below.
Step to create a Transit Gateway.
Follow the steps to create create another Virtual Network and create Subnet.
Create a Virtual Machine and include Virtual Network and Subnet into it.
We need to create a connection between the Virtual Networks so we need to do Peering under Virtual Network.
- Need to create Certificates like we have done in P2S connectivity and install it in the Virtual Network Gateway.
Need to download the VPN Client.
Install the child certificate in the Point device.
Install the Application inside the VPN.
Now we go to Settings>Network & Internet>VPN.
By doing this we successfully completed the Transit Gateway using AZURE.
Stay tuned for my upcoming blogs.
Thank You !
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