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Eloquent UUIDs.

Kati Frantz on April 10, 2018

In this tutorial, I'm going to show you how and why to use uuids as your primary keys in your eloquent models. What are UUIDs? A Uuid (...
jakebman profile image

Please don't use a random algorithm to generate UUIDs. You're defeating the exact purpose for which they were created.

Yes, 128 bits of randomness are not likely to collide (beating out all lotteries ever), but you know what's better than "not likely to collide"? "Guaranteed by construction to never collide with another UUID, ever"

GUIDs are designed to be unique, not random

bahdcoder profile image
Kati Frantz

Hey, thanks a lot for your reply @jakebman . What's your suggestion for substituting randomness with uniqueness ?

aabdyli profile image
Albi Abdyli • Edited

aleksikauppila profile image
Aleksi Kauppila

You should check this library out: It's very popular.

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aabdyli profile image
Albi Abdyli

That package is required by default by Laravel Framework so it is already present.

jakebman profile image

My apologies, that is a valid uuid4 method. I implied that it wasn't a valid UUID generator, and I was wrong on that point.

I'd still recommend not writing it yourself, and using a tested library implementation, which would provide other variants of UUID like 1, 3, or 5 that have the uniqueness guarantee and are harder to write yourself.

They also make it easier to follow the recommendations in this thread about not using the string representation of a UUID, which takes up more than twice the space in your database.

adam_cameron profile image
Adam Cameron

I second the sentiment about not using randomness as a proxy for uniqueness. In general it's probably not gonna be a problem doing it your way, but if yer writing a blog article about it... best to demonstrate the "right" way.

There's an RFC for UUIDs, which should be the first port of call when considering this stuff: (warning... like with all RFCs, it's pretty dry reading ;-)

Another consideration is make sure you use a DB which actually stores the UUID as an integer (or has a specific UUID type, which will be an integer under the hood), if you want the DB to scale. String-based UUID values don't index so cleanly. For small (and possibly medium) loads, this is unlikely to be an issue, but should be a consideration.

One way to mitigate this is to still use just an auto-increment int as the PK for a table and in FKs, but for stored objects that need to be fetched via a public interface, use a UUID for that lookup (for the less-hackable URLs, as per your article).

jakebman profile image

I jumped down Kati's throat a little hastily - uuid4() is RFC compliant as far as I could skim. It sets the correct bits for a version 4 UUID, which generates the rest of the bits randomly. That's a valid UUID.

mjrider profile image
Robbert Müller

when using mysql as reference; Substitute integer with binary(16) because a integer is just 4 bytes long, and a UUID needs 16 bytes

adam_cameron profile image
Adam Cameron

Oh sure, sorry I was not clear. I was talking about the distinction between the concepts of integers vs strings in the general sense, not an implementation-specific one.

I figured the size require was a given, but probably should not have assumed.

I see MySQL does not have an integer type that can contain a UUID:

That said, how well will a binary column work as a PK and for FK relationships?

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mjrider profile image
Robbert Müller


with innodb, the primary key is added to every indexrow.

so lets say we have the following table
with indexes:

  • primary key uuid, index row length 16
  • index name, index row length 16+10
  • index name,password, index row length 16+10+10

this adds quite the overhead, i would go for the layout
id: auto increment, only used for internal inter table relations
uuid: used as unique id on the outside of the application

where we guarantee that uuid will stay the same for ever, and is used the user identification

id could change when we export/import the dataset in a new application or when we connect to an external application

mjrider profile image
Robbert Müller

Storing a UUID as a string is very bad for your database performance,
see also:

There are packages for using uuid's as primary key, but i never used them

jenschude profile image

Please don't use mt_rand for generating UUIDs. As the PHP documentation notes this function does not generate cryptographically secure values and you will end up with a lot of collisions.

Better use random_bytes which is crypthographically secure. Example:

function uuidv4()
        return implode('-', [
            bin2hex(chr((ord(random_bytes(1)) & 0x0F) | 0x40)) . bin2hex(random_bytes(1)),
            bin2hex(chr((ord(random_bytes(1)) & 0x3F) | 0x80)) . bin2hex(random_bytes(1)),

Kindly taken from

Besides that as noted in the different comments use some library which is able to generate the uuids in binary form and store them also as binary in the database.

khairahmanplus profile image
Khai Rahman

On laravel 5.6, you can use Str::uuid() or Str::orderedUuid()

billriess profile image
Bill Riess

Instead of creating a UUIDv4, you should use:


The helper is already provided by Laravel and is meant for this exact purpose with the benefit of being ordered.

biros profile image
Boris Jamot ✊ /
pl profile image
Phil Lindsay

Hi, very interesting. Would you also need to add an index to the 'id' field in the schema since it's changed from 'increments' to 'string'?