DEV Community

Discussion on: It’s Not About Ideas or Starting a Project or Challenge — It’s About Finishing It

azzenabidi profile image
Azzen Abidi

Kill your darlings they say. I felt every word you wrote. I went through a similar experience. Now everyday I open my github and check out old repos. I feel sad. Behind every repo, there is a story, an itch and a fantasy to make the world a better place. Humans are rewired to always chase the shiny things in search of that feeling of ultimate satisfaction. The developer community is just a subset of our reality. Every now a new framework pops up. A new library sees the light. And you know what? They all share the same premise: To empower us and push our limits of what's possible. Yet, if you look at the numbers, most projects die before they even start. As Simon Sinek once said: "it's not about intensity. It's about consistency".

Just finish what you start! This sentence seems to be the key to everything :)) Thanks for sharing!

blarzhernandez profile image
Roberto Hernandez

Thanks for reading. Yes. Sometimes it turns a real battle finishing it. Now I am aware of, I push and encourage myself until finish it