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El Bruno for Microsoft Azure

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My 1st NET #ChatGPT Plugin. Demo Included!

Sample NET ChatGPT Plugin GitHub Repository


Plugins are the hottest topics now, for both ChatGPT and Microsoft products like BingChat and Windows Copilot.

After learning and testing using Javascript and Python versions, I decided to create one in NET. I even talk several times about it in my podcast (in Spanish).

NET Pet Store ChatGPT Plugin Repository

And here is the repository with the working demo:

This is a QuickStart for sample for creating ChatGPT Plugin programing in NET, using GitHub Codespaces, VS Code, and Azure.

To gain access to ChatGPT plugins, join waitlist here!

El Bruno Pet Search plugin working in dev mode in ChatGPT

Run and Test Locally

  1. Open src/OpenAI.PlugIn.NETSample/Program.cs. Press [F5] To Start Debugging. Choose your preferred Debugger.
  2. Once the project is compiled, the app should be running. A new browser will open with the URL [http://localhost:5100/swagger/index.html].
  3. Open ChatGPT. Select GPT-4, open the PlugIn Options. Open the PlugIn Store and select [Develop your own plugin]
  4. Type [http://localhost:5100], and select [Find Manifest File]. ChatGPT will search for the manifest file at [http://localhost:5100/.well-known/ai-plugin.json] and load the plugin information. Select [Install LocalHost PlugIn]
  5. The PlugIn will now be enabled in ChatGPT
  6. We can now test the plug in. ChatGPT will use the Pet plugin for pets related questions.

Here is the plugin working in devMode in ChatGPT.

who is the oldest pet?

Iā€™m working on adding CodeSpaces support to the repo, so no local development environment will be needed!

Happy coding!


El Bruno

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