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Zaynul Abedin Miah
Zaynul Abedin Miah

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Embarking on the DevOps Journey

The Journey to DevOps and Cloud Adoption

Devops and cloud computing are one of the trending topics of today. DevOps is a software development approach that emphasizes collaboration and communication between development and operations teams to improve the speed and quality of software delivery. However, many people struggle to understand what DevOps truly entails and how to effectively adopt cloud technologies. In this post, I will walk through the key concepts and challenges around implementing DevOps and cloud solutions.

Setting Up Local and Cloud Environments

I know that setting up robust development and testing environments can be a major pain point for many students and instructors. Cloud computing is a key enabler of DevOps, providing on-demand access to computing resources and enabling teams to quickly and easily provision and scale infrastructure. It involves automating the software development lifecycle, from building and testing to deployment and maintenance, using various tools and technologies. Many students and instructors face issues with setting up a lab environment like questions like whether to set up on a local machine or on the cloud using a Linux operating system may arise.

Navigating the Linux CLI

The Linux command line is notoriously challenging to learn for beginners. But it's a critical skill for DevOps, since Linux is the go-to OS for the majority of production servers. Students and instructors alike struggle to become fluent in Linux administration solely from books or lectures. The CLI is best learned by troubleshooting real issues through trial and error.

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Networking and Connectivity Headaches

Connecting applications and services together can produce all sorts of headaches. Developers must choose the right IP addresses, ports, DNS settings, and more. Virtual machines and containers add network layers that can make connectivity erratic. These networking gremlins can derail projects and damage productivity. Networking can be challenging, especially when it comes to getting VMs to communicate with each other or establish an internet connection. DNS-related problems can also be a hurdle.

Working with Diverse Languages and Platforms

Troubleshooting applications developed on various platforms such as Java, Python, and Node.js can be daunting, and students often need help with this. Setting up web and application servers requires dealing with database connectivity errors and troubleshooting, among other things. Developers must configure each platform correctly and integrate components built with different tech stacks.

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Troubleshooting YAML, JSON, and Config Files

Infrastructure-as-code tools like Kubernetes, Docker and Terraform rely heavily on YAML, JSON and domain-specific language files. But if you're not familiar with these formats, it's easy to bungle the syntax and introduce bugs. Developers waste precious time troubleshooting config files rather than building features

When working with Kubernetes, you may encounter many YAML and JSON files for the first time. If someone directs you to download a GitHub repository, you may be unsure how to install or configure a programming language on your system. To create and maintain their labs, many students require assistance with troubleshooting and networking with Linux. Before transitioning to DevOps, you must first understand what Build entails. Beginners may face difficulties accessing web servers, such as determining which IP addresses and ports to utilize.

Collaboration with Git and GitHub

DevOps emphasizes collaboration and communication between development and operations teams, as well as other stakeholders like business analysts and quality assurance teams, to ensure everyone is aligned and working towards the same goals.

Imagine you have an idea that could change the world. You start coding, but your code is only accessible at HTTP localhost 8080. You try to share it using your laptop, but when you shut it down, no one can access it. To make it accessible 24/7, you need to host it on a server. However, you can't just copy the code and run it - you need to configure the system and have the necessary programming languages or runtimes in place. Your laptop becomes your development environment and the server hosts your application.

When multiple people work on the same code, it can create conflicts. Git solves this problem by allowing everyone to work on the same application at the same time and collaborate efficiently. All users must install and configure Git. Central Hub is a cloud-based platform that acts as a central location for all code. GitHub is a popular publicly hosted git-based central repository that allows you to configure project organizations and define different access levels for users. Other platforms like Gitlab and Bitbucket are also available.

Build Automation

The process of compiling code into executable programs is known as the "build". The build operation to a dedicated build server that obtains the most recent version and compiles it before deploying it to production. Automating builds improves efficiency and reduces mistakes from manual processes. Build tools like Maven, Gradle and Make take source code and package it for deployment.

Testing and Staging Environments

However, deploying new build to the production environment carries risks of introducing bugs or causing previously functioning components to break.Before releasing to production, code must be rigorously tested. Test environments replicate the quirks of production without impacting real users. Staging environments mirror the final production configuration to catch integration issues. Neglecting testing is asking for trouble.

Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery (CI/CD)

As the code base and features grow, manual deployment takes a whole week to execute. That's where CI/CD comes in - it stands for continuous integration and delivery tools like Jenkins, Github actions and Gitlab CI/CD. These tools automate manual tasks and build a pipeline for you.

Container Orchestration with Kubernetes

As more users join, production is disrupted during periods of reduced load. Container platforms like Docker allow packaging applications into lightweight containers. This is where container orchestration platforms come in. Container orchestration platforms like Kubernetes help manage and deploy containerized applications, ensuring they run consistently and reliably across different environments.

Infrastructure Provisioning with Terraform

Spinning up servers, networks and cloud resources is slow, manual and prone to human error. Infrastructure-as-code tools like Terraform automate provisioning by treating infrastructure like software. Terraform codifies and versions infrastructure configurations.

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Configuration Management with Ansible

Once infrastructure is provisioned, it must be configured and kept up-to-date. Ansible is a popular automation tool for handling administrative tasks like installing software packages, changing configs, and updating dependencies across servers. Terraform is primarily used for infrastructure provisioning, while Ansible is used for post-configuration tasks like software installation and server configuration.

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Implementing the DevOps Infinity Loop

Organizations can implement the DevOps Infinity Loop to achieve faster, higher-quality, and more reliable software application delivery. The phases of planning, development, testing, deployment, and monitoring can be executed in a continuous feedback loop. Collaboration, communication, and automation between software development and IT operations teams should also be emphasized to facilitate continuous improvement. The DevOps Infinity Loop is an effective way to achieve faster, higher-quality, and more reliable software application delivery. It can be used as a guide for your organization's software development process, with an emphasis on continuous improvement.

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The combination of tools and techniques above comprise the modern DevOps philosophy. Adopting DevOps requires rethinking processes, culture and technology. But those able to navigate the journey are rewarded with software delivery that is robust, rapid, and resilient.

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