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Md. Azad Ul Kabir
Md. Azad Ul Kabir

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Redux Vs Redux Toolkit

Difference Between Redux & Redux Toolkit.

First of all, before knowing the difference between redux and redux toolkit we must know what definition two of this is.

Redux: Redux is an open-source JavaScript library for managing and centralizing application states.

That means if you have a state(like a variable) or many states that need to many components or modules. So you need to make globalize those states to easily access them. Redux does this work for us.

Redux Toolkit: Redux Toolkit is a set of tools that helps simplify Redux development.

In other words, if I configure something through redux, as hard as it will be, but the same task we can perform it easily with the redux toolkit.

Redux VS Redux Toolkit

Some of the differences are highlighted below

  1. In Redux you must configure Devtools but in the Redux toolkit, you don't have to configure. Because it already has.

  2. In Redux for asynchronous performance you need to add Redux Thunk, But in the Redux toolkit, it's already built-in.

  3. Redux requires too much boilerplate code but the Redux toolkit doesn't.

What Should I learn?

In my preference, you should learn the Redux toolkit. It also depends on other requirements.

But before learning the Redux toolkit you must learn Redux basics. Because, you have to crystal clear concept about Action, Reducer, and **Store **and their work procedure. After that, you can jump to the Redux toolkit.

Image description

React Redux Toolkit Roadmap.

Their three things that you have to learn to use redux in your react app and the learning sequence is below. (Top to bottom)

  1. Redux (Basic must).

  2. React Redux. After that

  3. Redux Toolkit.

If you are a beginner you can follow this tutorial playlist. I hope it helps you a lot.

Tutorial Link

Top comments (4)

azadulkabir455 profile image
Md. Azad Ul Kabir

@phryneas @webduvet

Actually, I am here to clarify some conflicts that face developers who have newly started redux. I also faced it.

  1. What is the difference between Redux and redux-toolkit actually?
  2. Which one should I start with and how to define my learning curve?

This post title is "Redux vs Redux toolkit" but basically I am trying to explain here that there is no difference between the two things. And I mention that "you have to learn redux basic first" because if you work on an existing project that uses redux, you must have to know the structure of this. On the other hand, the redux toolkit is also based on redux fundamentals so it helps you a lot on both sides.

However I appreciate your valuable comments.

phryneas profile image
Lenz Weber • Edited

I would argue with the "you have to learn basic Redux first".

Our official "Redux Essentials" tutorial teaches RTK from the start - for years by now:
Learning react-redux just happens as a part of following that tutorial - react-redux are only two hooks at this point, there is really no reason to learn the old connect api any more.

For some people, insight into legacy Redux might be interesting, but for most it's not very helpful, or might only make sense later as too many different things at once are just confusing.
Of course, those people can follow our "Fundamentals" tutorial, but with every year passing that becomes less relevant.

Also, RTK is by now the official recommendation for about three and a half years - even for adding new code to existing projects using Redux.
So the number of "legacy Redux" projects you will be facing as a new hire is constantly going down - and if you come to that point, you can still learn it.

Or would you tell people to start WebDev nowadays by learning JQuery, because they might be facing that in a legacy project?
A new employer knows that a new hire might take time to get acquainted with legacy technologies if they hire for a long-running project, especially if they don't put the time in to keep up with new methodologies.

phryneas profile image
Lenz Weber

Redux Toolkit is the official recommendation for any Redux code written after 2019.
There is really no difference to be made - Redux Toolkit is Redux at this point.

See this documentation page that is linked from the createStore deprecation notice that you will be presented with when trying to start a new project with legacy Redux.

webduvet profile image

there is no versus there, it is dependency relationship. by choosing RKT you are choosing redux as your app state manager.
Also you should note that you don't need redux-thunk to work with async code with redux. you just need something in the middleware that can handle it.