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Day 77/#100DaysOfCode

  • Scanning through Python Crash Course and learning the fundamentals from different angles. After 2 course materials (Jose Portilla's Udemy course + Al Sweigart's Automating The Boring Stuff with Python + countless tutorials online), PCC was more comprehensible even when the author uses snakecase.
  • PCC is great because the author makes you do simple exercises to understand the concepts. ATBS's programs were a bit harder (at least it felt hard for me at that point of time). Jose Portilla's course was just confusing for me. But I also learned that AV learning isn't the best way for me to learn.
  • But maybe things are starting to make more sense because I am 6 months into this.
  • I started doing Hackerrank problems to practice my problem-solving skills with Python. I still get frustrated but never blank. There is always systematic ways to find out things I haven't yet. I used to just go blank for a long time.
  • I am also a bit anxious that I haven't gone to more intermediate and advance Python stuff like classes, numpy, lambda, sets. But I am taking a deep breath and just trusting the process.
  • I am also working on the CS Timer Personal Project at the same time. I get restless if I feel like it's not moving as fast as I wanted but that's just my neuroticism. I fill up the anxiety with working on Hackerrank problems.
  • I have not written on my pen and paper journal for a week plus now. I miss it but I find that I can organise my thoughts better now and have less use for it. I still need it to jot down visuals in my head.
  • I got defensive when Matt said I talk too much and should code more. LOL. But I have awareness that the discomfort resulting from that feedback is crucial and my defensiveness is just self-preservation.
  • I honour the early part of my journey where I needed to engage with others on Twitter and talk a lot about programming to make sense of things. But as I move on, I don't need as much crutch anymore. I am kinda okay.
  • But writing is my catharsis. And this journey is an important one. I need to write about it or I'll go mad. I will forget the important lessons (especially in developing systematic problem-solving skills).

Achievements from yesterday:

  1. Understood functions with arguments and did some programs with that understanding.
  2. Familiarised self with Hackerrank environment.
  3. Solved the Hackerrank leap problem paired with Ammar.

The plan for today:

  1. Finish PCC's chapter on function.
  2. Do 1 Hackerrank problem on List (2/5 for the week)
  3. Edit CS Timer project based on discussion with The Codashians.

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