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Ayoola Damilare
Ayoola Damilare

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My React Journey: Day 10

ES6+ Features

What I Learned Today

Modern JavaScript (ES6 and beyond) introduced features that made the language more powerful, readable, and developer-friendly. Here’s a summary:

  1. Template Literals
  • What It Does: Enables string interpolation and multi-line strings.

  • Example:

let year = 2024;
console.log(`This is year ${year}`);
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  • Benefits: Easier to read and manage strings compared to traditional concatenation.
  1. Arrow Functions
  • What It Does: Provides a shorter syntax for writing functions.

  • Example:

let add = (a, b) => console.log(`${a} + ${b} = ${a + b}`);
add(4, 5); // Output: 4 + 5 = 9
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  • Benefits: Simplifies code, especially for inline functions.
  1. Default Parameters
  • What It Does: Assigns default values to function parameters if no argument is passed.

  • Example:

function callMe(name = "Damilare") {
    console.log(`My name is ${name}`);
callMe(); // Output: My name is Damilare
callMe("Ayoola"); // Output: My name is Ayoola
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  • Benefits: Prevents errors from missing parameters.
  1. Destructuring
  • What It Does: Extracts values from arrays or objects and assigns them to variables. Examples:
//Array Destructuring:
const [a, b] = [2, 3];
console.log(a, b); // Output: 2 3

//Object Destructuring:
const { age, year } = { age: 32, year: "Year 5" };
console.log(age, year); // Output: 32 Year 5
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  • Benefits: Makes code cleaner and reduces repetitive access to object properties or array elements.
  1. Spread and Rest Operators (...)
  • Spread: Expands elements of an array or object into individual elements.
const arr1 = [0, 1, 2];
const arr2 = [...arr1, 3, 4, 5];
console.log(arr2); // Output: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
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  • Rest: Collects remaining elements into a single array or object.
const collectRest = (first, => {
    console.log(`First number is ${first}`);
    console.log(`The rest of the numbers: ${rest}`);
collectRest(1, 2, 3, 4); 
// Output:
// First number is 1
// The rest of the numbers: [2, 3, 4]
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  1. for...of Loop
  • What It Does: Simplifies looping over iterable objects (like arrays).

  • Example:

let arr = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
for (let num of arr) {
// Output:
// 1
// 2
// 3
// 4
// 5
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  • Benefits: Avoids the need to manually access array indices and improves readability.

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