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Discussion on: How will Covid-19 change things forever?

axelledrouge profile image

I am hoping desesperely that when our (french) president says that he understood (finally) that Health and Food should not be considered like any other goods, he actually means it. And that when he says that we will be keeping many of the protections after the crisis, he is truthful. because last thursday, when he enumerated the measures that would be put in place for the protection of the people, it was like everything we ever asked and repeated for the climate and social justice was finally understood! like "oh ? we should protect our health care system ? the hospitals and healths workers should be supported ? incredible ! that is NOT AT ALL (sarcasm) what they asked repeatedly since a YEAR!" what a discovery !
so yeah, currently I am confined at home, and I understand completely why it is necessary. Currently we are sitting on the deficit because, well now that is not the priority. And currently we are regretting the fact that we are soo dependent on others because now globalization is not that great. It had good points but the model went too far. we must now become more resilient in smaller cities and group. we must develop again agriculture, with shorts circuits from the producer to the customer. We must insure that healthcare and medecines are not dependents on production from China without alternatives.
If this crisis put finally the break on globalization, and financiarization of the economy, and we can work on a new model more resilient and more adaptative to impacts and risks (like redundancy in servers, we know how important it is, our like Peer-to-peer) then we will win.
if this change doesn't happen, then ... well take care