In this Create and Deploy applications using CodeDeploy and CodePipeline with Amazon S3 bucket versioning enabled -
In the 1st article, We will create, SSH into EC2 Instance and Install CodeDeploy Agent. Then Create a S3 bucket with versioning enabled, upload
Let’s get started!
Please visit my GitHub Repository for CI-CD/Docker/ECS/ECR articles on various topics being updated on constant basis.
1. Sign in to AWS Management Console
2. Launch an EC2 instance, Connect (SSH) to EC2 Instance thru Putty
3. Install CodeDeploy Agent
4. Create S3 Bucket, upload
and Copy the Object's key
- AWS user account with admin access, not a root account.
Resources Used:
Steps for implementation to this project
1. Sign in to AWS Management Console
- Log into the AWS Management Console, AWS Region as US East (N. Virginia) us-east-1.
2. Launch an EC2 instance, Connect (SSH) to EC2 Instance thru Putty
Launch an EC2 instance
Go to EC2 Dashboard, Launch instance, my-ec2, Select t2.micro. NVirKey, default vpc, subnets - no preference, Auto-assign public IP - enable, Create Security group, CodePipeline-SG, SSH with, Add security group rule, HTTP, 80,
Attach Role - Role-EC2Instance with attched policyAmazonEC2RoleforAWSCodeDeploy
Launch instance
- Connect (SSH) to EC2 Instance thru Putty
3. Install CodeDeploy Agent
Switch to root user
yum update -y
Before Installing CodeDeploy Agent, Install the prerequisite i.e. ruby and wget
yum install ruby wget -y
Download the CodeDeploy agent's installer
Change the permission of the installer
chmod +x ./install
Install the latest version of the CodeDeploy agent
sudo ./install auto
Check status
service codedeploy-agent status
- Note: If the output is "The AWS CodeDeploy agent is running as PID 3523" or any other PID. It means codedeploy agent is running fine.
If the output says, "error: No AWS CodeDeploy agent running", then start the agent by running the below command and check the status again.
Start the agent
service codedeploy-agent start
check the status
service codedeploy-agent status
4. Create S3 Bucket, upload
and Copy the Object's key
On S3 Console, Create bucket, codecommit-bucket12, Uncheck Block all public access, Bucket Versioning - Enable
Create bucket
Click the bucket, Upload, Addfiles,, Upload - has the following files
version: 0.0
os: linux
- source: /index.html
destination: /var/www/html/
- location: scripts/install_dependencies
timeout: 300
runas: root
- location: scripts/start_server
timeout: 300
runas: root
- location: scripts/stop_server
timeout: 300
runas: root
- index.html
<!doctype html>
<h1>This is my Codepipeline from S3 bucket! </h1>
- scripts folder has 3 files
yum install -y httpd
service httpd start
service httpd stop
- Copy the object Key, and save it to notepad
What we have done so far
- We have successfully created, SSH into EC2 Instance and Installed CodeDeploy Agent. Then Created a S3 bucket with versioning enabled, uploaded
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