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Bhuvaneswari Subramani for AWS Heroes

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Speaking at AWS re:Invent 2021

Techtalk in general brings in lots of excitement for me and what if you got to present in AWS re:Invent 3rd time in a row? Yes, joy knew no bounds.

Table of Contents

Choice of Topic

More than a year ago, I was teaching HTML to my younger son and developing a website from scratch, which inspired him to create on his own with the learnings -
I turned that experience into a series of blogs to answer his curiosity -

  • how others can see my website?
  • how the changes I make on our computer get there?
  • Will my website work all the time?
  • If I switch between different desktop / laptop, then I need to put them on google drive?

I felt this could be a good use case under Level-200 session and hence submitted a proposal for Enable continuous delivery and resiliency for a static website

Glad to hear from Ross Barich that topic was selected, submitted the slidedeck before the cut-off time and all set for the event.

Virtual Recording

Initially I thought, travelling to re:Invent will save me from virtual recording but came with a surprise that reInvent 2021 is going to be both in-person and virtual simultaneously. Hence recording became mandatory.
AWS Team sent the 2021 recording kit with the following

  1. Tripod with Ring Light
  2. Lapel Microphone (sometimes called Lavalier Mic)
  3. iPod Touch

It was a wonderful experience with a couple of hours well planned meeting with the recording team.

Break-out session experience

Arrived on 28th, completed the registration and speaker-checkin, had an appointment for final copy editing followed by tech check. So all set for presentation.

The 200 seating capacity session was all pre-booked, audience turnout on the presentation day at Level 5, Palazzo A, Venetian was very good and most importantly the session was received well.

I had touched upon the traditional static website hosting, the source control management, how to leverage AWS CodePipeline for continuous delivery and how Amazon S3 cross-region replication along with Amazon CloudFront Origin come in handy for building resiliency.

Some pictures

Bhuvana at reInvent

Bhuvana at reInvent



Enable continuous delivery and resiliency for a static website


Virtual session


Thank you

Great first session at @AWSreInvent by fellow AWS Hero @installjournal speaking about everything related to automating code delivery to your static website hosted in S3. She did it all with no notes!

Yes, I do not add speaker notes to slides so that I can engage with the audience or with the camera throughout the session๐Ÿ˜Š.

Oldest comments (2)

sborsay profile image
Stephen Borsay

Stephanie? Well it was a good presentation regardless! ๐Ÿ˜Š

bhuvanas profile image
Bhuvaneswari Subramani

Now its Stephen. Corrected and thank you once again!