Distinct and Stats
Recently I was investigating a bug where Lambda could not load an image from an S3 Bucket.
I knew we catching the S3 Bucket error and logging a custom ImageLoadFailed exception.
I wanted to figure out what were those images failing ( likely a typo in the name used by the client, or the image referenced by the client was really missing? )and went to CloudWatch Insights.
fields error.message
| filter error.message like /ImageLoadFailed/
This query return quite a long list of results, but most of them were related to the same image ( and that prevented me to properly have a feeling of how many images were broken/missing - expecially if reducing (limit) the number of the results.
ImageLoadFailed: a/pic1.svg
ImageLoadFailed: a/pic1.svg
ImageLoadFailed: b/pic2.svg
ImageLoadFailed: a/pic1.svg
ImageLoadFailed: b/pic2.svg
ImageLoadFailed: a/pic1.svg
ImageLoadFailed: b/pic2.svg
ImageLoadFailed: b/pic2.svg
ImageLoadFailed: c/pic3.svg
ImageLoadFailed: a/pic1.svg
ImageLoadFailed: b/pic2.svg
ImageLoadFailed: a/pic1.svg
I tried using count_distinct, which was helpful to understand how many images were affected, but then I would not know which!
fields error.message, @timestamp
| filter error.message like /ImageLoadFailed/
| stats count_distinct(error.message)
only display the count (3)
Thanks to a comment in stackoverflow I was able to aggregate all similar error.messages and just pick the latest and then display it.
stats latest(@timestamp) as @latestTimestamp by error.message
| filter error.message like /ImageLoadFailed/
| display error.message
ImageLoadFailed: a/pic1.svg
ImageLoadFailed: b/pic2.svg
ImageLoadFailed: c/pic3.svg
Parse is very useful if you have nested JSON in your comments or if for some reason you are not using structured logging.
This was the case recently when I was debugging an application written in GO, where the errors were just strings.
Field Value
@ingestionTime 1677655126331
@log myaccount:my-app-prod
@logStream listener/web/12e34aee0fd245f1234678c3f903e159f
@message time="2023-03-01T07:18:41Z" level=error msg=callFailed aParam=something errorMsg="ops! something wrong happen here!" method=GET path="/v1/config/{aParam}/{id}/{param2}" id=1234 param2=somethingElse
@timestamp 1677655121496
Yes, unfortunately the error was not an object therefore I could not just access and print/query specific values. Using parse and playing a bit with wildcards I was able to query and print out some meaningful informations
fields @message
| filter @message like /level=error/
| parse @message "level=error msg=* errorMsg=\"*\" *" as msg, error, params
| display msg, error, params
| limit 50
This will print callFailed | ops! something wrong happen here! | all the rest in the string
Filter out clutter
Sometimes while investigating an issue in CloudWatch Insights queries return a lot of rows logged from the Lambda, and most of them are not really relevant to your logs, because are by default logged by Lambda itself.
That's why I add this filter to exclude from my results all the Start / End / Report logs.
By removing all the clutter I can then focus in checking our own logs and start building my specific query.
| filter @type not in ['START','END', 'REPORT']
Count by frequency
fields @timestamp, @message
| filter @message like 'SomeRequestSubmitted'
| sort @timestamp desc
| stats count() as requests by bin(1d)
This will return the number of SomeRequestSubmitted being logged in a day (of course you can change the aggregation by 5 min or 6 hour or any value you like) and it is very useful to investigate or monitor the frequency of a specific issue.
If you really need to monitor the occurrence and possibly have alarms if it goes over or below a specific threshold, I would suggest publishing Custom Metrics and Dimensions and creating Alarms based on those.
If you are already logging, and you can't - or don't want to - change the code and implement custom metrics, this CloudWatch Insight query is absolutely valid ( and you can directly add it to a Dashboard and from that create an Alarm anyway!)
If you want to know more about how to write more complex Queries, have a look at the [official documentation.
Here you can find [some more examples(https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonCloudWatch/latest/logs/CWL_QuerySyntax-examples.html)
Hope it helps
Please share in the comments your snippets, if you have some other useful tips!
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