AWS CodeCommit is a secure, highly scalable, managed source control service that hosts private Git repositories. Simply means we can use GitHub on AWS with any special features such as easy scale and many more. One of the biggest benefits is it can be integrated with other AWS services. Before we talk about it, let me show you how to set up or use it first.
How To Use CodeCommit
1. Setup Credential
Just like we use GitHub, we need to set up credentials to be able to access our repositories but in this case, we will integrate it using IAM either HTTPS or SSH. Here I'll use SSH by uploading my public key to one of my IAM User credentials.
$ aws iam upload-ssh-public-key --user-name dhona --ssh-public-key-body file:///home/nurulramadhona/.ssh/
Create config
file under .ssh
$ chmod 600 .ssh/config
$ cat .ssh/config
Host git-codecommit.*
User (ssh-key-id-goes-here)
IdentityFile /home/nurulramadhona/.ssh/id_rsa
2. Create & Clone Repository
Please specify the "other" region if it's not available yet in your region.
$ aws codecommit create-repository --repository-name ops-io --region ap-southeast-1
$ git clone ssh://
Cloning into 'ops-io'...
warning: You appear to have cloned an empty repository.
3. Make Any Changes
- GitHub commands:
$ cd ops-io/
~/ops-io$ cat test.txt
this is first file
~/ops-io$ git add -A
~/ops-io$ git commit -m "upload first file"
[master (root-commit) 1406bd0] upload first file
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)
create mode 100644 test.txt
~/ops-io$ git push origin master
Enumerating objects: 3, done.
Counting objects: 100% (3/3), done.
Writing objects: 100% (3/3), 236 bytes | 236.00 KiB/s, done.
Total 3 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0)
To ssh://
* [new branch] master -> master
- CodeCommit commands:
~/ops-io$ echo "this is second file" > file.txt
~/ops-io$ aws codecommit get-branch --repository-name ops-io --branch-name master --region ap-southeast-1
"branch": {
"branchName": "master",
"commitId": "1406bd0566858448e486011edc364ca3a77d0b0d"
~/ops-io$ aws codecommit create-commit --repository-name ops-io --branch-name master --parent-commit-id 1406bd0566858448e486011edc364ca3a77d0b0d --put-files "filePath=file.txt,fileContent='upload 2nd file'" --region ap-southeast-1
"commitId": "307e9fb75d0a7ccc490aacbf28aba957342a8c3b",
"treeId": "918e7c9702c916bc7b67f7645432e048cdfe94a4",
"filesAdded": [
"absolutePath": "file.txt",
"blobId": "6e29f4102c6b829414b53053cd65c1b123d28d29",
"fileMode": "NORMAL"
"filesUpdated": [],
"filesDeleted": []
4. List Repositories & Branches
$ aws codecommit get-branch --repository-name ops-io --branch-name master --region ap-southeast-1
"branch": {
"branchName": "master",
"commitId": "1406bd0566858448e486011edc364ca3a77d0b0d"
$ aws codecommit get-folder --repository-name ops-io --folder-path "" --region ap-southeast-1
"commitId": "307e9fb75d0a7ccc490aacbf28aba957342a8c3b",
"folderPath": "",
"treeId": "918e7c9702c916bc7b67f7645432e048cdfe94a4",
"subFolders": [],
"files": [
"blobId": "6e29f4102c6b829414b53053cd65c1b123d28d29",
"absolutePath": "file.txt",
"relativePath": "file.txt",
"fileMode": "NORMAL"
"blobId": "ce553855c343e93616e1e937cd288a9824f0d761",
"absolutePath": "test.txt",
"relativePath": "test.txt",
"fileMode": "NORMAL"
"symbolicLinks": [],
"subModules": []
Special Task: Copy S3 Object To CodeCommit
As I mentioned before, one of the biggest benefits we host services on AWS is that they can be integrated with one another. Here I'll give you a simple task of how we can do it.
I'll go with CloudFormation to create a new repository named S3 and copy objects (zip format) from the S3 bucket to the branch bucket.
Before that, I'll create a new bucket named repository-ops-io with versioning enabled and upload the zip file to that bucket.
1. Create Bucket
$ aws s3 mb s3://repository-ops-io --region ap-southeast-1
make_bucket: repository-ops-io
$ aws s3api put-bucket-versioning --bucket repository-ops-io --versioning-configuration MFADelete=Disabled,Status=Enabled --region ap-southeast-1
$ aws s3api get-bucket-versioning --bucket repository-ops-io --region ap-southeast-1
"Status": "Enabled",
"MFADelete": "Disabled"
2. Upload Object
$ touch s3.txt
$ zip s3.txt
adding: s3.txt (stored 0%)
$ ls
$ aws s3 cp s3://repository-ops-io --region ap-southeast-1
upload: ./ to s3://repository-ops-io/
$ aws s3api list-object-versions --bucket repository-ops-io --query 'Versions[].[Key, VersionId]' --region ap-southeast-1
3. Create Stack I give the template name ops-io.yaml
AWSTemplateFormatVersion: 2010-09-09
Type: 'AWS::CodeCommit::Repository'
RepositoryName: s3
RepositoryDescription: S3 to Codecommit
BranchName: bucket
Bucket: repository-ops-io
ObjectVersion: Km7s2m1Jd2FlcvoIi9v7n.KUenzjHZ5R
$ aws cloudformation create-stack --stack-name ops-io --template-body file://ops-io.yaml --region ap-southeast-1 --region ap-southeast-1
"StackId": "arn:aws:cloudformation:ap-southeast-1:0123456789:stack/ops-io/ae15bb10-dcaf-11ec-b865-0a5e031cf822"
Let's check!
$ aws codecommit list-repositories --region ap-southeast-1
"repositories": [
"repositoryName": "ops-io",
"repositoryId": "706334d5-c480-4b69-9395-512e0aff3a4c"
"repositoryName": "s3",
"repositoryId": "71719f7e-5e45-4b25-aa82-3247bfd297a3"
$ aws codecommit list-branches --repository-name s3 --region ap-southeast-1
"branches": [
$ aws codecommit get-folder --repository-name s3 --folder-path "" --region ap-southeast-1
"commitId": "1c69f63e89e579a7e41b27c2b9a97e2f90344f26",
"folderPath": "",
"treeId": "3210de697af8657277ba1d8ec5509438f4521482",
"subFolders": [],
"files": [
"blobId": "e69de29bb2d1d6434b8b29ae775ad8c2e48c5391",
"absolutePath": "s3.txt",
"relativePath": "s3.txt",
"fileMode": "NORMAL"
"symbolicLinks": [],
"subModules": []
To delete all resources created above, please do the following steps:
Delete the S3 object with the version mentioned
Delete the S3 bucket
Delete the CloudFormation stack
Delete the CodeCommit repository
That's it! Thank you for coming and I'm looking forward to your feedback. Follow me to get notified when my new post is published!
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