Building a fullstack react app now really easy, AWS amplify has enabled the building ,hosting and deploying your app.
It is a development resource that makes building fast on AWS
It creates a workflow from Git-hub using a continuous integration and deployment pipeline.
The resource builds,hosts basic and static websites with serverless backends.
The first step is to create the app by running the following commands in the command prompton in the terminal:
npx create-react-app amplifyapp
cd amplifyapp
npm start
For the commands to work, you must have nodejs on your machine then you run the scripts on your command prompt
Initialize github and create a new repo for the app and push application to new git repo by running this commands.
git remote add origin
git branch -M main
git push -u origin main
Log into the management console search for Amplify
Under Amplify hosting, go to get started
Click Github repository then continue
Authenticate with Github and choose the newly created repo plus main branch and click next
Configure your build settings, save and deploy
Aws amplify goes ahead to build source code and deploys the app
There sits your fullstack app in minutes once the build completes
To automatically deploy code changes edit src/App.js , I prefer to it in Vscode
Here is my
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