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AWS PartyRock Event Planner Assistant

Concept: Event Planner Assistant
The "Event Planner Assistant" is a generative AI application designed to help users plan their virtual parties. It uses AI to suggest party themes, music playlists, and interactive activities tailored to the host's preferences and the nature of the event.

Key Features
Theme Suggestion: Generates creative party themes based on the type of event and user preferences.
Playlist Creation: Recommends music playlists that match the party's theme and mood.
Activity Ideas: Proposes interactive games and activities suitable for the event.

Building the Application on AWS PartyRock
Let's imagine the steps and simple code snippets that might be involved in creating such an application on AWS PartyRock, using a mix of pseudocode and descriptions to illustrate the process.

Step 1: Set Up User Input Interface
First, we create a simple user interface where the host can input details about the party, such as the type of event, preferred music genres, and any specific themes or activities they're interested in.

- EventType: [Birthday, Graduation, Casual Get-together, ...]
- MusicPreferences: [Pop, Rock, Electronic, Jazz, ...]
- ThemePreferences: [Input Text]
- ActivityInterest: [Games, Quizzes, Dance, ...]
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Step 2: Theme Suggestion Logic
Using a predefined AI model, the application generates a list of party themes based on the event type and theme preferences.

def generate_theme(event_type, theme_preferences):
    # Imagine calling an AI model here
    suggested_themes = AIModel.generate_themes(event_type, theme_preferences)
    return suggested_themes
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Step 3: Playlist Creation Logic
The application uses another AI model to curate a playlist based on the party's theme and the host's music preferences.

def create_playlist(theme, music_preferences):
    # Imagine calling an AI model here
    playlist_links = AIModel.create_playlist(theme, music_preferences)
    return playlist_links
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Step 4: Activity Ideas Generation
Finally, the application suggests interactive activities and games that match the chosen theme and the host's interest in activities.

def suggest_activities(theme, activity_interest):
    # Imagine calling an AI model here
    activities = AIModel.suggest_activities(theme, activity_interest)
    return activities
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Step 5: Compile and Present Suggestions
The application compiles the suggestions from each step and presents them to the user in an interactive format, possibly with options to customize further or explore alternatives.

user_input = gather_user_input()
theme_suggestions = generate_theme(user_input.eventType, user_input.themePreferences)
playlist = create_playlist(theme_suggestions[0], user_input.musicPreferences)  # Assume first theme
activities = suggest_activities(theme_suggestions[0], user_input.activityInterest)

present_to_user(theme_suggestions, playlist, activities)
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While this example uses pseudocode and assumes the existence of AI models and a platform like AWS PartyRock, it illustrates how one could conceptualize and design an AI-driven application for event planning. The real power of generative AI applications lies in their ability to personalize and enhance experiences, offering unique and tailored suggestions that cater to individual preferences and needs.

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